The administration of Pedro Pierluisi opens this year with a new process related to status

Washington DC – ‘n Menus que la ley sea impugnada con écito en los tribunales o rechazada por la Junta de Supervision Fiscal (JSF), el gobernador Pedro Pierluisi comenzará su mandanda impulsando que la Comisión Estatal de Elecciones (CEE) organize una nueva consulta referente al status political.

Prior to his resignation, Governor Wanda Vázquez convened the convocation on December 30 and consulted that, with public funds, it would allow six candidates to be elected to work at the time of completion of the Administration. otra tarea que no sea promover que Puerto Rico sea el estado 51 de Estados United.

Also, this is the day that the governor Pierluisi calls for a new status quo, definitions will be decided by decree, as well as the good views of the Puerto Rican Legislature.

The puertorriqueña 167 of December 30, 2020, which will press the state chaplains to demand that the dominant candidates as the English as the Spanish, juren defend the state, work to complete time and stay in Washington DC or San Juan.

The consultation -which does not offer options in the package to the persons not screened in the Statement of Proposal-, quedo convened by the 16th of May, lieu of the referendum of the 3rd of November in which the statute obtained 52.5% of the voices. This is not a reference to the federal government’s public policy, according to the United States Department of Justice.

But, by the way, from now until February 28th, the aspirants for cabilderos – four ‘special delegates’ in the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate, can present their candidacies, even if we have not clarified the process.

The CEE – which wants to pass an electoral pesadilla by 2020 – will have to regulate the rules of the process.

Todavía, without embarrassment, his president did not decide that parties had a permanent presence in the CEE, according to the electoral commissioner of the Independent Puerto Rican Party (PIP), Roberto Iván Aponte.

The commission also said that the vote was in favor of the vote, which caused problems during the last election.

According to the representative of the New Progressive Party (PNP) José Enrique “Quiquito” Meléndez, before appointing his staff the Legislature will allocate funds to finance the consultation. Geen está claro quuanto dinero ha asido asignado nie. The body that created the delegation of cabilderos, without embarrassment, did not hesitate to finance the consultation.

In theory, the allocation of funds would require the JSF’s avalanche, although the PNP argues that the Ley Promesa excels in tax matters with status themes.

The status projects were approved by the PNP Legislature and signed by the then Governor Vázquez Garced on December 30, with the proposal to study before presenting a Chamber of Deputies and Senate that will not have control of the governing party. Vázquez Garced did not announce the project company.

The candidate for president of the Bay of Plenty, Rafael “Tatito” Hernández – of the Popular Democratic Party (PPD) -, called both parties as anti-democrats and advised that his delegation legislate the convocation of a Assembly of Status, in order to establish a free process and a negotiation with the Congress.

The aspirants to the six chaplains of the equestrian stadium are assigned to the Administration of Federal Federations of Puerto Rico (Prfaa). The salary is not specified. The person who led Prfaa last year had a salary of $ 150,000 annually and the Washington-based commissioner, Jenniffer González – as the congressmen, Ghana – $ 174,000 annually.

If the referendum goes ahead, the six elected officials will begin their work on July 1.

The nearest plebiscite

Antes de salir de La Fortaleza, Vázquez Garced also subscribes to the media that allowed Governor Pierluisi to convene a new status quo. Although experts have doubts about their constitutionality, the government’s mediocre mediators will establish the definitions, status and fetch alternatives of the consultation.

According to the new Ley 165 of December 30, 2020, the governor decides “the alternatives that will be presented to the voters in the ballot paper and the question, if any, that will be planted to the voters in the same papeleta ”. In addition, the governor determines “the meaning of each alternative imprinted on the paper that it presents to the electors”.

When the media was presented, the Secretary-General of the PIP, Juan Dalmau, entored senators, considering that the legislation “converts the governor into a colonial dictator”.
