Tension and a Surprising Aterrader: a Jew discovers that the aggressor of a woman is stabbed in the case of the victim during an audience by Zoom

Preliminary Exam 3B District Tribunal March 2, 2021

Off Michigan, United States, a man accused of domestic violence supuestamente aparéio en casa de la viktima mientras se llevaba a cabo la judicial hearing, this is a teenager an order of no contact, the cual obliged the man to mantenerse alejado of her.

Coby Harris, 21 years old habría agredido a su novia Mary Lindsey passed 9 February, at his house, placed in Sturgis, Michigan, United States.

The video of the audience, which aired on March 2, was uploaded to YouTube by the Jewish Channel Jeffrey Middleton, who left the case.

The District Tax Assistant, Deborah Davis, has noticed, at some point in the audience, that the two stand in the same place.

Mientras Davis le preguntaba a la victim, Mary Lindsey, about the night when it was approved, it is ultimately opposed to answering the questions or explaining why it did not call the police on that occasion.

In any moment of the audience, as the victim as the superstar pays for his cameras.  Photo: Video capture
In any moment of the audience, as the victim as the superstar pays for his cameras. Photo: Video capture

This is the chamber of Coby Harris if there are two seconds left and Lindsey will have a bed with the car on the side of the room.

Posterly, the tax assistant will have reasons to think that the accused is in the same home as the woman, and that he will be assisted by the security of her.

“Your seniority, I have reasons to believe that the defendant is located in the same apartment that the testimony denounced at this time, and is extremely assisted by his security ”, dijo.

“And the hecho that she is miraculously has a lad and she is moving, I want a confirmation that she is ready to continue”, mencionó.

This year, the juez asked both Lindsey, as well as Harris, where he was. Lindsey, first of all, only in a house. The juez, poco convenid, pidio la direction en donde se encontraba, a lo que la mujer response “It’s my house.” He wanted to ask the director and she went to God.

The supuesto aggressor repairs the cell phone of the victim.  Photo: Impression of video pants
The supuesto aggressor repairs the cell phone of the victim. Photo: Impression of video pants

Posteriormente, juez se dirigió a Harris, pidiéndole también su dirección. He mentions a different direction to Lindsey’s. He also asked Harris to leave his phone while he was standing by the camera called Zoom, in order to show the case number, to which Harris replied that he did not have enough money.

So much so that Jeffrey Middleton, like the tax assistant, Deborah Davis, is playing with the cabeza.

Davis informs that the police have sent them to their home and was called to the gate, just as Harris was giving his direction in another place.

The rooms of Harris and Lindsey are waiting for a moment, while she takes the door to the offices.

“This is a problem that we do not know when we live in the canada in vivo”, dijo el juez Jeffrey Middleton. “It’s the first time you saw it, if it’s found in the same place where it’s safe. Congratulations to the Sturgis Police Department on making this follow-up ”.

Posterior to this, Harris reappears, now from Lindsey’s phone, with a cigarette in his mouth and a police officer behind him.

Photo: Impression of video pants
Photo: Impression of video pants

‘Su señoría, Mary y yo no we want the no-contact, pido que se elimine ”, dijo. ‘Siento haberte mentido. I believe that the policy is stable. I do not know what I mean ”, dijo. This year, Davis’ assistant assisted him on his roster, as he was preoccupied.

El juez le aconsejó no decir más y quitarse el cigarrillo de la boca.

“Sr. Harris, the acquaintance who did not dig anything more, quit the cigarette from the bottle. The audience applauds ”.

The Middleton judge told Harris that his bond had been canceled, and signaled that Davis would present, presumably, an additional charge of obstruction of justice in return.

“You can see a situation in which you and Mary want the conditions of the angle to be observed, [o] usted quiere que se levanten, ella no ”, dijo. “We are serious about an assault attack, it is the first time that someone has been sent to the shelter of the lad to intimidate a testator”.

“They are fond and continuous,” he added, “he had to order the officers who were detained by the aggressor.”

Harris’s lawyer did not respond to a request for comment. Your customer has been hired for up to 10 years for the first cargo.

The local WOOD-TV station informed that the tax assistant, Debora Davis, had given notice before the hearing that Harris had been present at Lindsey’s case and sent the officials to anticipation.


Justice in coronavirus times: has a virtual audience with a public audience and participates more than in a tribunal
