Suspend in Acapulco party with more than 300 guests

Coronavirus, Covid-19, China, Wuhan, Seguridad, Salud, México, Estados, AICM, CEPA, OMS, Gobierno de México, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, Contagio, Atención médica

At the moment, the authorities have invited a massive party in Acapulco, Guerrero. Photo: Special


Weight in advance of covid in different points of the state of Guerrero, the massive festivities are being carried out, as is the case of the celebration with more than 300 guests suspended by elements of the Police of Acapulco.

During the construction of the Saturday, an operation was carried out in which the personal participation of the Civil Protection, elements of the Marina, Ejército and the National Guard, supporting the municipal police.

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The report of the fiesta filed with an anonymous caller at the 911 Emergency Service, alerted by the presence of a group of young women who were drinking alcohol in a private home, without cubrebocas and without respecting the sana distance.

La fiesta was carried out in a house of the Costa Azul faction, in Acapulco,

Jondalar Castillo, Director of the Center for the Protection of Tourists (Capta), informs that the fiesta was dispersed without registering any incident. In addition, the operations continue continuously and as determined by the authorities.

Cabe states that due to the high number of contagios and failures in the state, the parties and massive meetings are prohibited.

Y clausuran negocios por ne respetar medidas sanitarias

El Gobierno de Acapulco indicates that during the end of week three were closed business by not obedecer las medidas sanitary facilities to prevent the advance of the pandemic of covid.

Treated by restaurants and a self-service booth, with the total number of suspended establishments lying at 170 alone in Acapulco.

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