Some of the reasons why the EU can cancel your visa

The Secretariat for External Relations (SRE) issues a series of recommendations to prevent them from canceling their visa.  (Photo: AP / Benny Snyder)
The Secretariat for External Relations (SRE) issues a series of recommendations to prevent them from canceling their visa. (Photo: AP / Benny Snyder)

La visa is a document which otorga the permission of enter, transit and sell some lands. United States is one of the nations that solicited this document to enter its territory, obtained through a solicitation directing the Embassy of the United States.

Dependiendo el Reason for visiting the EU, the visa is granted with limited restrictions and conditions. In the event that the tourist does not comply with the standards and legal responsibilities of his visit, he must approve the cancellation of his visa.

Earlier this year, the Secretariat for External Relations (SRE) shared a series of motives for the issues it raised. tourist visa. The list of motives should inform and prevent Mexicans who are constantly traveling to the country of residence and will not be surprised by the cancellation of their migration document.

The visa is an inontbeerlike document to be able to enter the United States of America legally.  (Photo: REUTERS / Christinne Muschi)
The visa is a document onontbeerlike to be able to enter the United States of law. (Photo: REUTERS / Christinne Muschi)

The main motives for the powers that be are to approve this sanction son stay in United States most recently authorized, giving false information to an Aduanas and Frontier Protection Officer (CBP por sig siglas en Engels), use the CENTRAL car to be a beneficiary of this service. This carril can only be used by those people who have with their credentials CENTER that abala as reliable and frequent travelers, the service works exclusively on cross-border crossings, enter some EU debt, extract the visa and do not notify the corresponding authorities. Prohibition of sin, exists otros.

The visa is a personal and non-transferable document, by which it is presumed that another person entering North America is a penal action and causing a visa cancellation.  (Photo: EFE / Joebeth Terriquez)
The visa is a personal and non-transferable document, by which it is presumed that another person entering North America is a penal action and causing a visa cancellation. (Photo: EFE / Joebeth Terriquez)

La SRE also recommended no travel with prohibited articles for the ambush, some of them his arms, explosives and drugs. It’s important declare with veracidad la monetary quantity that is transported, and that there are travelers with money that support the USD10,000 amount can be motivated to cancel a visa.

Some of the legal remedies in Mexico can be considered as stupefying, which the SRE recommends travel with the medical prescription if it is a pharmacological treatment.

The visa is a personal and transferable document, for which his pretense that another person intends to enter the country is an illegal action that North American authorities can present as the main reason for canceling the tourist visa. Adjudicarse la nacionalidad estadounidense sin serlo and only being a tourist visitor is also a major motive for being sanctioned.

Also, if the tourist help ‘n cruzar personas’ n United States that no account of the migration documentation provided will be detained in violation of migration standards and the visa permit will be canceled.

To visit EEUU in automobile is onontbeerlike present places and safe car, the opposite can cancel the visa.  (Photo: REUTERS / Jorge Duenes)
To visit EEUU in automobile is onontbeerlike present places and safe car, the opposite can cancel the visa. (Photo: REUTERS / Jorge Duenes)

If you look for something lucrar with the visa tourist and pretend work in EEUU without legal permission o buy merchandise to sell in Mexico is one more cause for lose legal permits migrators. To travel to North America there are different types of permits, one of them is the work visa, if the tourist can not take any work activity.

In case a person pretends to travel to the north and study abroad, he should stop student visa for the time required and if they intend to study with the tourist visa they will cancel. If you live in Mexico and claim sign up for our schools in United States, is considered a flaw that concludes the visa cancellation.

To travel to the EU the Mexican citizen compromises to comply with the legal standards and jurisdictions of the North American government, by which have any judicial process in a federal court, state or local in the United States must comply with its obligations under regress to Mexico, because its failure is a reason for cancellation of migrant permits.

False information to an Aduanas official and Frontier Protection is a reason to cancel the visa.  (Photo: AFP / Archivo)
False information to an Aduanas official and Frontier Protection is a reason to cancel the visa. (Photo: AFP / Archivo)

For those who travel by car need to talk to car safety, parking spaces and compliance with transit standards of the places to visit, in case of receipt of a large amount of pay in time and due if you do not have any of these requirements you can cancel your visa.

The mothers who decide that they are nazcan Jews in the EU, deberá cover all medical guests for its part, if it does not accept and accept the help of “Medicare” the authorities can cancel the visa.

To the Mexicans who hayan canceled the visa, deberán de hope that an official consular officer of North America will grant the authorization to be able to obtain the migratory permits. No essential contratar abogados o gestores.


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