Senate approves Biden’s austerity project on Biden’s economic aid package | News Univision Politica

Through a marathon session the Senate approves the first hour of the fire a project of the presbytery that goes to the truck to approve President Joe Biden’s aid package for $ 1.9 trillion. Vice President Kamala Harris issued the unanimous vote in the media that will be key to the promulgation of Biden’s first major legislative initiative.

The approval of the project of the presbytery will be produced shortly after the 5:30 of the month of this fours, after a lengthy session of the Senate that will last all night and in which the senators will examine teaching teachers in a chaotic process.

The Democrats are celebrating the advances in the media in order to fight the pandemic, while the Republicans are fighting the partisanship and the excessive guest included in the project.

Senator Bernie Sanders, who is chair of the Senate’s Presbytery Committee, stated that with the approval of the project, only the pandemic could be tackled head on, see interrupted his education “.

Republican senators have argued for opposing the initiative, which, having dedicated 4 billion dollars to the pandemic, would incur another 2 billion dollars.

“This is not the time to make billions of dollars more to make a little more pleasant the perpetrator and the declining economy”, said the leader of the Senate minority, Mitch McConnell, who accused the Democrats of “using this presumption. false to prepare the month to approve its 1.9 trillion dollar drill “.

The Chamber of Representatives, which approves its proposal to prosecute the high schools, must now act on the version of the Senate, which it hopes will happen in a day.

With this in mind, the Congress can now dedicate to elaborate on the amplified proposal to help with the Biden pandemic, and impulse it in the Senate without the votes of the Republicans if necessary, in view of the special standards unblocked by the legislature.

This process will take weeks, and Democrats will have to limit themselves to the final approval of the March Legislative Aid, which in turn will increase the performance of the majority of the first Congress.

Some bipartisan advances

Following the super-adjusted final vote, the bipartisan process will show some bipartisan consensus. One of the most significant provincial provinces of a bipartisan group of senators, led by Democrat Senator Joe Manchin and Republican Sen. Susan Collins, impedes that “high-altitude contributors” could receive aid for 1,400 dollars.

Although the proposal was approved by 99 votes in favor and 1 against, it is not clear and does not mean that the requirements for electoral eligibility have been modified in the coronavirus definitive project.

Republican Sen. Joni Ernst proposed an amendment to avoid a minimum wage increase of $ 15 during the pandemic hour, a measure that Democrats include in the covid-19 bill. Without embarrassment, more centrist democrats, like Manchin, prefer that increment be more modest.

Ahead of the nomination, Senator Sanders, defender of minimum wage of $ 15, intervened and said that his proposal would be gradual implementation for the next five years, and not immediately as Ernst had stated in his statement. With this, his efforts were quickly approved by unanimity.

We will increase this information soon …
