Selena: These are the tattoos that AB Quintanilla sees in his honor

AB Quintanilla is not like 15 aos ponindose tattoos of Selena porque l adoraba a su hermana “, with these words, Cristina Saralegui. daba a conocer en 2005 lo ocridido con la family de Selena tras su assesinato el 31 de mars de 1995.

Agreed with the conductor, el msico estaba tan consternado que busc lidiar con la prdida dejando que la mquina de tatuaje se posara sober su piel e inyectara con tinta diversos diseos que le recuerdan a la “Reina del Tex-Mex“every time there is a mirage in front of a spy.

The exintegrant of Los dinos ten ms of 50 tattoos a lo largo de toda su piel, pero la burgemeester parte de este lienzo de epidermis est dedicado a la memoria de la exosposa de Chris Prez.

AB Quintanilla is a person reserved with regard to his sentiments and views he has the times he has been working on the topic; without embarrassment, travs from his Instagram account can be seen on some of the works he has posted. The next son is the most representative.

Like the flower

Adems de ser el ttulo de una de canciones ms famosas que escribi, para AB Quintanilla esta meloda tiene mucho peso, pues tambin es la pieza con la que ms se reconoce a su hermana y al grupo que integr su familia desde ambos eran adolescentes .

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These are just some of the highlights from Selena’s teaching session. in hermana.

El rostro de Selena

Otra of the brands that AB is plasm in the skin fue the rostro of his hermana. This tattoo has been made by some modifiers that include a pink crown that will serve as a mark on this retreat of the “Queen of Tex-Mex”.

United forever

A large part of Quintanilla’s body is marked with details that can be found in the song. One of them is in the back of his hand, the one including the legend “SQ in AQ”, the one is a tribute to the initials of them and the ones of l.

Los dinos

The Dinos are the group that catapulted the Quintanilla family into the family, as if to mention the number of the group is part of making a remembrance in its passage, the qual is completely linked to the interpretation of “La Carcacha”.

Mysterious Miracle

The musical producer mentions that the female tattoo artist hiccups a pair of eyes near the axilla, though there are no clues about them, the miracle is inadequate for Selena. In the cage she also had the number of her encrusted.

Complete body

Other of the homage about the skin of the msico is found in one of its holes, in which it can be seen in the “Reina del Tex-Mex ” bailando.


Geen hooi-toebehore ms klaro que el que se hace nombrando a las personas. As lo hizo AB sobre su brazo derecho, en el cual coloc el nombre de la cantante asesinada el 31 de mars de 1995.

Uno ms

En la espalda, AB. Quintanilla has an image of the belt for the image of Selena. ste is one of the tattoos that menos han han musrado, debido a que pare verl, el msico debe quitarse la playera.

