Selena Quintanilla only won a Grammy in her career; as vier aqul da la reina del Tex-Mex

Fue en 1994 when Selena Quintanilla, considered as the reina del tex-mex, lleg a la cima de su carrera. Miles of followers, presentations by Doquier and his creative talent. Sus xitos le valieron presentarse en los Grammys de ese ao y ganar el nico premio que pudo, debi a que fue assesinada el 31 de mars de 1995.

March 1, 1994, Selena lleg al Radio City Music Hall, in New York, to form part of the gala number 36 which reconciles with the best of the moment in the music in the United States; era una joven de tan slo 23 aos que deslumbr a todo el que vio con su brillante vestido blando con bordes resaltados.

Deslumbr a todos con su su belleza. Photo: Special.

La noche avants lentamenta para la texana, slo escuchaba cmo los dems cantantes reciban galardones, pero lleg su momento, comparti nomacin con gigantes de la msica mexica Vicente Fernndez, Los Tigres del Norte and Pedro Fernndez, sin embargo, el triunfo fue para ella y sali avante in the category of Mejor lbum Mexicoamericano.

Thanks for the disco Selena Live !, which was certified as a gold disc in 1995, que la reina del Tex-Mex obtuvo el triunfo ms important of his career. One time in the scenario, Selena is happy, with a sonrisa revelaba su su sumensa alegra; give a brief discourse to greet his family and his discourse. Convert to the first woman to win in that category.

‘Tambin my gustara agradecer a mi banda, Los Dinos, a mi padre Abraham, mi hermano, quien es el producer de mi msica y tambin a mi hermana, thanks for all the support “, dijo conmovida.

A tous, Selena received a new nomination, the antes of his assassination, for his beloved Amor disco, but did not intend to repeat his victory in the Grammys. Be this home, when the emblematic company presents new account of the prizes, then receive a pstuma statue, as recognition to your tray directory the cual has served soundtrack for millions of mexicoamericans to the largo of the aos.

