Sebastián Córdova admits that San Luis was a rival ‘very jealous’

Mexico City /

El héroe del America in the game against Atlético de San Luis fue Sebastián Córdova, who admitted that the party was complicated for the Eagles but with the final powder rescate the triumph over the potosinos.

Fue muy jodido, lo bueno es que nos dio esa ultima oportunidad. Todavía tenemos que mejorar, is the first match with the new coach “, says the term of the match a TUDN.

El mediocampista resaltó the companarismo that hay in the plant, can relate that in the game of goal Henry Martín hizo case to his petition to pass the balloon.

“Thank you to God for the day, if it is not the grief that knows how to pass and here is the notoriety and definition as Giovani dos Santos”.
