Saudi Sovereign Wealth Fund aims to $ 1.1 billion in assets by 2025

Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman

Photographer: Mandel Ngan / AFP / Getty Images

Saudi Arabia’s sovereign wealth fund will have more than 4 trillion sewers ($ 1.1 trillion) in assets under management by 2025, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman said.

The fund’s assets reached $ 1.5 trillion in the end, he said on Sunday.

“Over the past few years, the PIF has achieved great economic and investment performance,” the crown prince said. said, adding that “his assets have doubled.”

The Public Investment Fund is the backbone of Saudi Arabia’s economic transformation plan. It has built up a stake in some of the largest companies in the world, as markets took place during the onset of the pandemic last year, and sold it a few months later when shares rose.

– With help by Zaid Sabah
