Sanitary Awards in Administration, Medicine and Nursing

Elena Andradas, Director of Public Health of the Community of Madrid, Verónica Casado, Counselor of Sanidad de Castilla y León; Berta Ramos and Irene Pérez, Supervisor of Nursing at Torrejón Hospital and Carmen Ayuso, Head of the Genetic Service

Dom 07 March 2021. 18.00H

La Medicine, la Nursing and the Administration on behalf of the competent bodies he side 3 of his key claves in this pandemic. As a result, it has been particularly difficult to find out which of these categories are in the Sanitary Premiums of this year, inevitably marketed by Covid-19. This edition has been rewarded, by double, the effort of Elena Andradas, as responsible for Public Health of the Sanitation Council of the Community of Madrid yes Verónica Casado, advise of Sanidad de Castilla y León, during this crisis. El galardón de Nursing also has been located between Berta Ramos and Irene Pérez, both supervisors of this area in the Unit of Intensive Care and Quirofano of Torrejón University Hospital. Emotions, explained as each second dedicated to patients are a quality of “the profession of nursing that is bound to be female”. How to Get Genetics Service University Hospital and the Scientific Director of Institutet de Investigación Sanitaria Fundación Jiménez Díaz, Carmen Ayuso also knows that he is infected with the virus and because of it, he is especially sorry to be the galardonada in the Medicine category in a year like this. A premium that represents the representation of all its medical partners, provided by the health of all patients Covid-19 and no Covid-19.

Although it contains statements, dates or appointments of institutions or health care professionals, the information contained in Redacción Médica is edited and elaborated by periodicals. We recommend to the reader that any relationship with the health be consulted with a health care professional.
