San Francisco School District, unions reach preliminary agreement to reopen classrooms

Trade unions representing San Francisco Unified School District employees said Sunday they have reached a preliminary agreement with the district to safely reopen the city’s public schools – a key step in a controversial, months-long debate that city officials are against regional leaders expressed.

In an important section, the unions said they agree to return to classrooms when the city is in the red level, the second least restrictive level of California’s reopening blueprint, if staff are vaccinated against the coronavirus. As the city progresses to the orange level, a less restrictive category that involves the “moderate” spread of the coronavirus will return teachers and other staff without vaccination.

As San Francisco currently remains in the purple level, it is the state’s most restrictive, meaning reopening would presumably still be in the direction of the deal. If it is time, health officials should also sign according to the procedures that are there.

Officials from the 53,000 student district did not immediately return calls for comment Sunday morning.
