Russian troops bordering Ukraine could cause war: analyst

According to a military expert from the region, the arrival of 4,000 Russian troops at the country’s border with Ukraine could cause a European war.

Pavel Felgenhauer’s warnings came when social media showed that the Russian military build-up near rebel-held eastern Ukraine and the annexed Crimean region was evident, according to reports.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy (center) will visit the Donetsk region in eastern Ukraine on February 11, 2021.
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy (center) will visit the Donetsk region in eastern Ukraine on February 11, 2021.
Ukrainian presidential press office via AP

“The crisis has the potential to escalate into a pan-European war, not even a world crisis,” Felgenhauer, an independent Russian military analyst, said in a recent interview with Russia’s Rosbalt newspaper. ‘Will it happen or not? Let’s wait and see. In the West, they do not know what to do about it. ”

Ukrainian soldiers visit the Donetsk region in eastern Ukraine on February 11, 2021.
Ukrainian conscripts visit the Donetsk region, eastern Ukraine, on February 11, 2021.
Ukrainian presidential press office via AP

On Friday, Russia warned that it would “take extra measures” if NATO troops sent to Ukraine, while images of Russian military helicopters and tanks surfaced at the border.

Last week, the US offered Ukraine “unwavering support”.

Ukrainian conscripts on the front lines against Russian-backed separatists in the Donetsk region on February 16, 2021.
Ukrainian conscripts on the front lines against Russian-backed separatists in the Donetsk region on February 16, 2021.
AFP via Getty Images
