Robert De Niro declares himself quiebra

The effects of the pandemic in the actions of the actor of 77 years Robert De Niro and the cost of divorce of Grace Hightower he led the actor, celebrating his participations in El Padrino II, Taxy Driver, The Incredible, The Irish in decades of inexhaustible productions , a la quiebra.

Following his lawyer, Caroline Krauss, in a virtual divorce hearing before a court in Manhattan, explained the following:

“The Senor De Niro has 77 years, and although he has his office, he should not be obliged to work at this prodigious rhythm because he has done so. When will it end? It does not work six days a week for 12 hours, just to follow the rhythm of the Hightower Senor sedation (…).

For his part, Hightower’s lawyer, Kevin McDonough, says the artist has economic problems. It is based on the 5 million dollars that De Niro received from El irlándés (2019), the 450,000 dollars that he spent on a Vacation de Gracias vacation, and a million that he received in his homes, between 2019 and 2020.

The deed of De Niro and Hightower, which began 24 years ago, has been tumultuous. There will be an anterior separation, a reconciliation in 2004 and the final rupture in 2018. The ex-advertisement advertises the method of the actor’s fortune, which is estimated at 500 million dollars.


  • Robert De Niro
  • In the sky
  • Robert De Niro en la quiebra
