Reversing of magnetic field can cause ‘crippling damage’ to life and economy Science | News

The earth’s magnetic field not only protects our planet and its life from deadly solar radiation, but it keeps the north above and south below the planet’s poles. The shield is created by the liquid iron core of our planet that revolves around the solid inner core. The dynamic action creates an invisible field that passes through and surrounds the north and south of the planet, leading to the Earth’s North and South Poles.

Many animal species, especially birds, have a flair for the magnetic poles that enable them to successfully navigate the globe during periods of mass migration, leading experts to fear that it could cause confusion.

The shield also keeps us protected from cancer-causing sun rays and people are increasingly relying on the magnetic field as we increase our independence over things like satellites we use for navigation, cell phones and satellite TV – just to name a few. some examples.

In recent years, scientists are working on a possible reversal in the magnetic field – a natural phenomenon that occurs every 200,000 to 300,000 years when the north and south poles change.

The poles tried to exchange 41,000 years ago, but the process was not a complete success and the reversal was only temporary.

The last time the poles were permanently switched was 780,000 years ago, which means we could have been for a long time.

Scientists know when the poles turned around by analyzing rocks.

As new rocks form, usually though lava flows or ocean sediment are dumped, they then take up the magnetic field, which geologists used to date the last reversal of the magnetic field.

Now a scientist has warned that it could be devastating for our planet if the next turn takes place.

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“It was clear that satellites and electric grids did not exist 41,000 years ago.

“But the Laschamp outing – named after the lava flows in France where it was first recognized – still left its mark.”

Researchers have become better at identifying elements in soils and rocks that were indicated when the last magnetic switch occurred, such as finding an isotope called beryllium-10 at the bottom of Lake Selina in Australia.

Beryllium-10 is created when high-energy cosmic particles bombard the earth and collide with oxygen and nitrogen atoms in the atmosphere.

A weaker magnetic field leads to more of this isotope, which is an indication of the last switch.

Ms Lise-Pronovost continues: “More information on lake sediments, archaeological artifacts, lava flows and mineral cave formations, including stalagmites and stalactites, could significantly improve our understanding of the Earth’s magnetic field.

“With this knowledge, we may one day be able to predict the next geomagnetic outing before our phones stop working and the birds head off course and fall against the windows.”
