Reu decapitados and descuartizados and carceles of Ecuador over litigation dispute between criminal organizations | Security | Notice

Gobierno’s minister, Patricio Pazmiño, said these were a “concerted action by criminal organizations”

With motosierras and other herramientas the reos of the Center for Rehabilitation of Turi, in Cuenca, this March will open the gates of the section of maximum security and massacre to a more than one train of privacy. The official information was delayed, however, by the fact that there are known testimonies and versions of policies and guidelines, as well as videos that spread the same giants and went viral.

As part of their cellular filming (which is prohibited in prisons), the disembodied bodies are appreciated. In one of them, decades of internment rodean to a quantity that toman a cabeza decapitada and the patean, gritan euphoricos, with rabies. One of them apuna the human part with saña; otros la golpean con unos garrotes; la hincan. ¡Sácale los ojos !, grita uno; another uses a day species to spell the cable. Cruelty y rabia.

This is what happened this March, from 08:00, in the prison held in the estuaries of Cuenca and which deprives the alma mater of what he sees, only part of a violent and criminal jornada that is seen in three penitentiary centers of the country: Guayaquil, Cuenca and Latacunga. The National Service for the Attention of Private Persons of Liberty (SNAI) has 34 victims in Turkey, 8 in Cotopaxi, 31 in the Regional Circuit and 6 Guayaquil Penitentiaries, with a total of 79 deaths. A record number in a single day in the reclusions.

Gobierno’s minister, Patricio Pazmiño, said these were a “concerted action by criminal organizations” to generate violence in penitentiary centers.

A staff member of the Turi council signaled in a statement to the press that the police and the police will take care of the electricity, because the reusable weapons will be used to open the door of the pavilion, the attackers will advance and strike.

One of the videos shows a Victorian grit species quoting a Los lobos, aliados de Los choneros in my passes, which are played in the bars and in the streets of the country with Los Lagartos.

Pero esta vez, la guerra, según guías y partisan policiales preliminares, by the narcocriminal gang Los Choneros, cuyo jefe, Jorge Luis Zambrano, alias Rasquiña o JL, was assigned to the Sicariato style at a Manta (Manabí) shopping center on December 28, 2020.

The director of the SNAI, Edmundo Moncayo, ratified the late March in Quito that the matanza is said to be disputed by the leadership of the band Los Choneros, in addition to the intervention of Los Lagartos, Los Lobos, Tiguerones, Los Pipos and Chonekillers. This is a list of 62 people who have failed, but the number has increased to 79 in the last hours.

According to Moncayo, the hypothesis is that there is another criminal organization that seeks to retaliate against the conduct of aliases. Rasquiña, and that the reaction to this hecho has taken place, but it will be produced this March 23. “We have the sufficient premises to support the hypothesis of what we are talking about”, aseveró.

The director says that his two groups are trying to find a leader in the liberty centers, and that around 800 police officers are mobilizing to control the order.

This dispute is evident in a police part of what happened to this Diario about what happened in Guayaquil. “At the Guayas n.º 4 Masculino Freedom Privacy Center, Median Security Stage, Various PPL (Liberty Private Persons) of the 7th and 8th Aliases by Alias Price y Nike y alas 9 y 10 lideradas, por alias Dad’s Sorrow y To me, belonging to the criminal organization Los Choneros, claims to be against the integrity of the PPL alias Cuyuyui, belongs to the crime organization Los Choneros. Hecho who originally owed to the power of power to assume the control of the activities ”, cites this document.

Monday, the Police required fugitives in the Regional Guayas; Preliminary investigations are known as eran to offer victims to the leaders of the criminal organizations that are found in the maximum security panel. Organizations such as Lobos, Chonekillers, Tiguerones and others also respond to international organizations and artisanal manufacturing armies.

In Cuenca, relatives of the other animals have other names. Juan, who had no conjoía if his parent was dead or herid, accounted for the martes in the late that in the last times the dispute was solely between these Choneros and Lagartos, sino also by other ex-Choneros who now called Sinaloa and one more identified as Quevedeños. Según Juan, everything is originally because alias Pipo y Junior, Lideres de Los Choneros en Turi, tuvieron problemas entre ellos, aparentement, por dines de dinero.

The number of 79 deaths has dropped since 2020, when 51 crimes were registered in Ecuador’s carcass system. (I)
