Report: Russell Wilson ‘storms out’ after his ideas to correct Seattle’s offense were rejected

Seattle Seahawks vs. Buffalo Bills

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Seahawks quarterback Russell Wilson publicly said what he had to say in the days after the Super Bowl. Someone has been talking privately ever since, and this culminated in a long article from that still looks the closest and the fractures and gaps in a relationship that currently has a shelf life of closer to bread than bricks.

The article looks at the tension between Wilson and the coaching staff over Wilson’s desire to be essentially the offense, like Patrick Mahomes in Kansas City. This motivation drove the #LetRussCook phenomenon early in the season. But coach Pete Carroll freaked out after a turnover party against the Bills (four from Wilson) and another underperformance against the Rams (three more Wilson turnovers).

After Wilson’s seven turnovers in two games, the Seahawks faced a short-week challenge against a Cardinals team that had a two-game winning streak against Seattle, and which had a wave of euphoria after the victory of Hail Murray over the Bills.

Here’s what happened next, via the story in “Before Thursday night’s game against Arizona, Wilson met with his coaches. Wilson has been looking for – even driven – for some time for influence within the organization regarding scheme and staff. In the meeting, he set out his own ideas for resolving the offense. His proposals were rejected, according to various sources The Athletics – another reminder to Wilson that the Seahawks did not see him as he saw himself as a player who deserved greater control over his situation, his future, his legacy. He storms out of the room. ”

No magnifying glass or other Sherlockian investigative instruments are needed to conclude that this nugget comes from the Seahawks, which ultimately pushes back against the idea that Wilson’s skill justifies more power and control.

Consider this quote in the story, from an anonymous source who is certainly not linked to Wilson: ‘He’s finally getting heat. That’s the main reason for it all. . . . People talk and hold him accountable because he is one of the highest paid quarterbacks. He says he wants to be the biggest, so people are sticking to the standard now. . . . This is a PR game. He is trying to protect himself. ”

It is unclear if the unnamed source is a Seahawks source. If so, it suggests that the Seahawks should indeed try to put together an important trade package from a team that sees Wilson as Wilson sees it. If so, it also suggests that the Seahawks should be more discreet about their true feelings, because if that’s how they view Wilson, a large trade offer might not be justified.

That’s really what it’s all about. If the Seahawks consider Wilson an everyday award, they should treat him that way. If they do not, they will have to trade him for a team that does, as the team is drawing up a trade offer that the Seahawks will consider one they cannot refuse.

Wilson certainly sees himself as someone who has the potential to topple the top five in league history. And he has every right to think so. The current problem between player and team seems to be that the Seahawks do not share the assessment and / or they are not willing to change their overall strategy to let Wilson create the kind of numbers and outcomes that will prove Wilson in the pantheon of the best pro soccer backs in history. Given Wilson’s current goals for his career, it’s not the question of whether but when the two parties will go their separate ways.
