Regia has come to the rescue to be married up to 27 years in the EU

Migrant, Immigration, Frontier Wall, Donald Trump, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, Mexico, EU, Frontier, Human Rights, State, Security, United States, Economy, UN, Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala

27 years ago Jane McDonald-Crone was last seen at the Tomb sale in Texas, United States. Photo: INM


Fiel a la historia de una película, la joven regiomontana Sonia de la Garza, from 28 years of age, assisted by a woman of original origin identified as Jane McDonald-Crone, which has been disappearing for 27 years now has been visited for the last time in the year 1993 in Texas.

In an interview with ABC Notifications, De la Garza informs that the passer Jueves, his friend Abraham González notice about a woman in a situation where she is found outside a pharmacy at the crossroads of Ruiz Cortines and Simón Bolívar.

Te puede interesar: Hallan en NL a mujer desaparecida en Texas desde 1993

On the following day, the young man prepared a mochila containing live hygiene products and articles to help and help McDonald-Crone, 62 years old.

“The day I did not care and commented that I was extravagant (…) the gallows and electrolytes, I taught a conejito and a gall that traya”, related De la Garza about his encounter with the woman.

Later, his friend Lulu Brambila investigated the number of the woman and identified herself as the most wanted person by the FBI in Texas.

Both young people contacted an FBI agent identified as Mario Aguilar, who had received photographs of the woman claiming that the rasgos coincided with the woman who presumably had been living for 27 years.

Through contact, the agent communicates with the Consulate in Monterrey to proceed with the March 5 crossing with the McDonald-Crone Search Report

Finally, ayer saw located at the crossroads of Tapia and Jimenez in the first square of the city.

Your contact with relatives

Sonia de la Garza confirmed that she had met Jane, the young woman was communicating with a sovereign and a McDonald-Crone man, who were in the hope that the Migration Institute would confirm the identity of the woman by means of a DNA analysis.

Invite more shares of this type

The young man hopes that the case of Jane McDonald-Crone it is the first of many places to be located thanks to people on social media.

“The speeches are indispensable to help in good fines, the invitation is always to help without mirrors to whom, we all have a story, he who opens the eyes”.


Anhelo y voz de la migración; tres historias para niños

Caen dos hombres y una mujer accusados ​​de sequuestro

Extracted from the accusations of homicide and homicide in the EU

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