Reddit ad runs five seconds but makes its mark against Wall Street – deadline

A five-second guerrilla marketing ad by Reddit subreddit r / wallstreetbets conveyed a message in a snap-and-you-miss-it moment just after halftime.

The community used a GoFundMe to raise money for an ad, but could not reach the high point in the short time before the game. Instead, he decided to blow out the message at his five-second moment, hoping that subsequent pick-up points (like these) would help reach the intended audience.

The plan was expanded in response to a thirty-two Super Bowl ad by app exchange Robinhood, which is currently in the dog house to block trading in Gamestop and other volatile stocks. Robinhood is out of touch, argues Reddit and celebrates the people who hampered it.

Robinhood disrupts a constant short press. The move led to more than thirty class actions.

Check out the screenshot of the Reddit message above and check out the full location below:
