Reasons why you can cancel your US visa

Count with a visa result an invisible cuando se quiere to travel in the United States. Sondeverbod, even if you have completed your trauma and related one american tourist or business visa —Lamed by type B1 or B2 by the Embajada de Estados Unidos in Mexico— there is a series of reasons por los cuales pueden cancel the document.

Note: Please note that it is currently needed entregar a negative test of Covid-19 to the airline. In addition, travel routes are not recommended for the sanitary contingency. Without embarrassment, this information about the reasons for canceling your visa can be served in a future.

Learn also: Cost and requirements to increase the United States visa in 2021

La visa the tourist can be cancel many different situations. No hindrance, estos motivos suelen ser los principales, information on the Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores (SRE):

1. Permanecer en United States more authorized time. This is the main reason why every person can lose their visa estadounidense, say the dependency.

2. Also, the good can be canceled by actions such as giving false information to an Aduanas and Fronteriza (CBP) official, or by entering into any dispute within United States.

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The SRE advised the Mexicans to extract the visa estadounidense and does not communicate to the corresponding authorities, it is a matter of the principals reasons for the cancellation of the document.

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5. In the same way, the Secretariat for External Relations (SRE) advises that if they declare their status as a service, or if they perform the visa for another person intents to enter into United States, his considered considered serious and suelen are motivated by the cancel of the document.

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6. Travel to United States with prohibited articles such as arms, explosives and drugs, as well as pretending to enter the country without declaring sums of mayor money to 10 mil dollars, can be motivated by the authoritys cancelen a visa.

7. In the case of tourists traveling with medicines, they should be compared with a medical prescription, and that the opposite could be cataloged as stupefied, and which the port could expose to perder su visa americana.

8. Actions to use the visa with lucrative fines, it can be used to buy products that are recently sold in Mexico, you can use them visa cancellation.

9. In addition to these motives, study in United States probe one visa student is considered as a serious fault and, consequently, the visa of the person involved will be cancel.

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Prior to a visa cancellation, the SRE would only issue a United States Consular Officer with the power to obtain the new document. The secretariat recalls that it is not recommended to contact the authorities at the moment to apply for the visa again.

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