Radikaanse vragte contra sujeto por agredir sexmente a una menor in Toa Alta

The Registrar of Justice, Domingo Emanuelli Hernández, and the Bayamón District Internal Fiscal Officer Lizzette Sánchez Vázquez de edad, fijándole una fianza de $ 190,000.

The investigation of the case was carried out by the tax authorities Glorimar García Ríos in coordination with Agent Idaliz Rosado of the Division of Sexual Offenses of Vega Baja.

The hechos ocurrieron between December 2020 to January 22, 2021 in Toa Alta. The father of the minor is the one who finds the impudate, escondiéndose in the residence of the family.

Alvarado Matos was charged with sexual harassment, Article 130 of the Criminal Code.

The taxpayer did not pay the rent for the one who entered the prison.

The preliminary ruling was signed on February 9, 2021.

The recommendation:
