Proposal for a variant of the United Kingdom would be subject to restrictions in Europe

(CNN) – The coronavirus variant first identified in the United Kingdom was “impacted by the epidemic curve” and led to “a more restrictive approach to social media and public health” in Europe, being found in the dominant sector in Europe. the continent. As a result, it is the Jew’s high alert for the emergence of the World Health Organization for Europe.

Hablando at a press conference of the OMS, Catherine Smallwood dijo that the variant B.1,1.7, commonly known as the “cepa del Reino Unido” or “cepa Kent”, now is circulating in more than the middle of all the countries European.

“Specific for the European region is the propagation in the course of another variant of preoccupation, the line B.1,1.7, which was identified by the first time in the United Kingdom and is now circulating clearly in the communities at the center of the lands alrededor del region. It varies in particular, especially in the countries of Western Europe, is being extended more rapidly than other lines, ”said the periodicals.

Smallwood warns that currently restricted vigor in Europe may not be sufficient to eliminate variant B.1,1.7, a time that is prevalent in the dominant region in the region.

“Once it has become dominant, it can affect the curve of the epidemic in general and lead to the need for a more restrictive approach to social media and public health that must be applied in order to reduce transmission rates.”

Smallwood’s comments followed an ad by the director of the Covid-19 Genomics UK consortium, Sharon Peacock, who told the BBC, on Wednesday, that the B.1,1.7 chip “should be taken into account with all probability” .
