Preventive prison for alias ‘Alvarito’, present participle of Efraín Ruales’s caretaker | Security | Notice

Hombre fue detenido el ultimo merercole en Rioverde, provincia de Esmeraldas.

El juez de la Unidad de Penale Garantías Iván Tirisio dictó preventive contra contra Álvaro Bolívar CA, alias Alvarito, presently implied in the assignment of Efraín Ruales.

The fiscal Víctor González, framed by the case, said that the 90-day tax instruction was initiated by the assessee. “Habría presumably participated in the hecho”, González signaled to the media.

During the cargo formulation hearing, the Fiscal presented various elements such as the autopsy protocol, the eyepiece inspection of the hechos, the eye inspection technique for object and evidence reconnaissance, in addition to the version of alias Alex C., conocidoo Casquete, which is processed by the robber of the vehicle used in the crime, according to legal documents.

In diligence, alias Alvarito se acogió al silencio.

At the end of the last Wednesday, the Guayaquil Legion was abducted in a plane crashed in Rioverde, province of Esmeraldas.

Gobierno’s Minister, Patricio Pazmiño, informs that the suspect’s the day of the assessee in the vehicle used in the assessment of the assessee. Además confirmed that the army found in the estero Salado was used in the crime of the presenter.
