Pope Francis says he is able to take the Covid-19 vaccine

The pope commented during an interview with the Italian Canale 5 channel that was going on Sunday night.

“It is an ethical duty to take the vaccine, here in the Vatican we start next week. I am also in line to take it,” he told the channel in a preview, according to a news anchor of the interview, which was released Saturday.

The full interview, which took place in the Santa Marta residence in the Vatican, will be broadcast on Sunday at 2.45pm ET (20:40 local time), according to a press release.

Francis also spoke about the violence on Capitol Hill this week in the interview with Vatican expert Fabio Marchese Ragona of the station.

“I was surprised because the American people, who are so disciplined in democracy … But it’s a reality, even in more mature realities there is always something wrong, something about people taking a path against society, against democracy , against the common good.

“I thank God it broke out and that we could see it well, because it can be fixed, right?” Francis said that in a preview clip that CNN saw, CNN added that the violence “should be condemned”.

Vatican says vaccine is morally acceptable

In December, the Vatican considered it morally acceptable to be vaccinated against Covid-19, after some anti-abortion groups expressed concern about how the vaccines were manufactured.

Some groups have suggested that the vaccines against coronavirus be made using cells from aborted fetuses. The cells are actually manufactured and grown in laboratories from tissue obtained many decades ago, and are not made directly from aborted fetuses.

“It is morally acceptable to receive Covid-19 vaccines that have used cell lines of aborted fetuses in their research and production process,” the Vatican Congregation said in a note approved by Francis.

The declaration was issued and signed by the head of the Congregation in response to several requests for guidelines regarding the use of the vaccine.

The pope used his recent Christmas message to say that coronavirus vaccines should be available to everyone, and pleaded with states to work together in the race to get out of the pandemic.
