Pope Francis greets children on Good Friday

The boy was followed by a few other children who hugged and chatted with the pope.

The children were part of a special Stations of the Cross ceremony and come from foster care homes, a scout group and a local Catholic church.

Francis annually selects a group of people to write and recite the prayers for the service.

The kids formed the 2021 group and also made some drawings for the occasion.

The pictures and prayers represent the 14 “stations” or events that led to the death of Jesus, which are commemorated on Good Friday.

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The choir of the Sistine Chapel was also present and sang ‘Crux Fidelis’, a Gregorian chant.

Traditionally crowds flocked to St. Peter’s Square for Good Friday and the Easter period, but due to the coronavirus restrictions, the area was largely empty with only the pope, some guests and the children present.

This is the second Easter where social restrictions have limited the number of worshipers in Rome.

The pope was also knocked down on the floor of St. Peter’s Basilica during a service on Friday.

He is holding an Easter Sunday Mass in the Vatican on April 4, followed by a papal blessing.

Delia Gallagher reports from Rome. Zamira Rahim wrote in London.
