PNP cancels event to view Pierluisi’s status message

The New Progressive Party announces the delay in its social speeches, the governor Pedro Pierluisi said that “as a result of the increase in the number of contacts by COVID-19”, cancel the event that has been paid for the transmission of the message of situation in the Capitol.

The event was convened as a “viewing party” by the party’s secretary general, Carmelo Ríos.

Pessar of the number that the animal in the event, in interview with Metro Puerto Rico, the senator assured that there will be no “demonstration or party” series, for which only 200 people will be allowed.

Popular representatives such as Orlando José Aponte Rosario, salieron ayer to criticize the event convened by PNP, tildándolo to be a “covid party”.

Prior to the cancellation notice, the party invites people to see the message at 17:00 for speeches by WIPR.

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