Planean utilizes cerebro human cells to create more advanced microskyfies

In the market of the Neu-ChiP project, the investigators will put together cellular chips similar to those of the human cerebral cortex and examine their ability to proportionally exchange changes in various ray regions.

An international team of scientists will be able to use cells of the human brain with the finest microchips to be able to be employed by artificial intelligence.

The project, named Neu-ChiP, is being extended for three years. During this time, the investigators colluded on the cellular chips similar to those of the human cerebral cortex and examined their ability to change into different ray cells. Given the high “plasticity” of the cerebrum, it appears that the results of the resulting cells combine a high yield with “extremely low energy demands”, according to scientists in a statement published by the University of Aston (United Kingdom) on January 28 . Hopefully the new technology can “revolutionize the power” of IT devices.

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“Our objective is to test the ineffective information potential of the human brain to drastically increase the capacity of computers to help solve problematic problems. of automatic learning “, quoted the communication to Professor David Saad.

On the other hand, Jordi Soriano and Daniel Tornero, doctors from the University of Barcelona (Spain), who are also participants in Neu-ChiP, believe that the study “will propose new knowledge about how to calculate information and find solutions”, and prevén that this technology “can include help to design unique and emotional male-machine interfaces”.

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