Pfizer will deliver US doses of vaccines faster than expected

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Pfizer Inc. will be able to deliver 200 million doses of Covid-19 vaccine to the US by the end of May, two months earlier than previously expected.

CEO Albert Bourla said on Tuesday that the drug manufacturer and its partner, BioNTech SE, would be able to deliver the doses well before an earlier deadline on July 31 in the US due to a change in the label of the vaccine that the suppliers of healthcare allows to collect an additional dose from each vial.

According to the Pfizer representative, the count of six doses per vial is effective on Monday and will apply from now on.

In the U.S., Pfizer and BioNTech will deliver 120 million doses in the first quarter, 20 million more than initially promised, Bourla said in an interview with Bloomberg editor – in – chief John Micklethwait during the year ahead of the summit. held this year.

Bourla added that Pfizer and BioNTech will receive more doses for the European Union before the end of the second quarter. The vaccine regimen of the companies requires two doses to provide full protection against symptomatic cases of Covid-19.
