Future purchases, all over India and China, of the main “commodities” for the manufacture of foodstuffs are now another component of the research and the global economy and there is a tendency towards the crude oil price in los bursátiles markets.
This survey does not escape the Dominican Republic, an economy entirely dependent on derivatives and consumer spending comparing itself with its Central American counterparts.
The price of the crude West Texas Intermediate (WTI) is quoted at the price of US $ 60 per barrel and its use is highly dependent on production, including the prime materials such as maize amarillo, in machinists who use diesel for the summer of granola in external markets.
As well as other cross-sector derivatives used in transport and industries. For the Dominican economy there is a very small news. For every dollar of increase in the price of the crude barrel of its impact is RD $ 3,000 million more, in the juice of economist Henri Hebrard.
In this year 2021, the National Presbytery has projected a price of US $ 45.50 in the oil barrel, while the crude trend tends to rise, as well as a signal of the global economic recovery.
For Hebrard the preoccupation is that the barrel is above US $ 58, because “this is the cost to the dominant economy more than RD $ 3,000 million”, it can be compared with the figure contemplated in the national presupposition. In addition to the cost involved in the State subsidy for electricity, with the majority of the generation in Punta Catalina, there is a unit with problems that diesel is used. The internal prices of the combustibles also follow in alza, because the Gobierno has assumed part that hopes to compensate, but now the expectation is the best in the world economy, the reduction of production in the OPEP, as the aid in the USA lo that depreciates the value of the dollar, aduce. It is worth noting that the price of the first materials, especially the petroleum.
Hebrard claims that the panorama is complicated, because all the prices are subject and thus reduce the purchasing power of the people and generate pressure on the economy in order to increase salaries.
External choke
Antonio Ciriaco Cruz, vice-dean of Economics de la UASD, states that the actual petrol era represents 18% of the total value of the country. When the price of oil increases it is equivalent to a negative external shock (and vice versa) which receives the country, provoking increases in the prices of the combustibles, in urban transport and cargo and, in food, indicates.
In agreement with the economist, the country is already importing around 9.1 million barrels of crude oil every year.
“This means that if the prices of petroleum (WTI) the Gobierno estimates in US $ 44.2 the barrel in the presumption of the year 2021 and the current prices of the oil in the international market stand at US $ 58.26 the barrel, It is hoped that the country will receive US $ 14.06 per additional barrel, with additional monthly payments being made to the petrol bill, ”he said.
Mantenerse is a trend in the price of petrol, around US $ 58.26 the barrel this 2021, series of US $ 126.5 million the additional amount that will be summarized in the petrol invoice this year, manifested.
In a scenario of higher prices, the consequences will be much more serious, and that will increase the price of the foods, the combustibles, the exchange rate, among others, affecting the real salary of the population.
The Organization of Petroleum Exporters of Petroleum (OPEP) together with its allies of the OPEP + has maintained the record and has increased the demand and prices.
The prices of the WTI crude and the Brent of London will close with March entry prices at US $ 58.68 and US $ 61.47, respectively. These prices have a higher reference since January 2020.