Pelosi calls sexual harassment claims against Cuomo ‘credible’

House President Nancy Pelosi said on Sunday that the allegations against sexual harassment of New York Governor Andrew Cuomo were “credible”.

The California representative joined a chorus of Democrats and called for a truly independent investigation into allegations of misconduct against Cuomo by two of his former staff members.

“The women who bring serious and credible charges against Governor Cuomo deserve to be heard and treated with dignity,” Pelosi said in a statement.

“The independent investigation must have the right process and respect for all involved.”

The statement comes when Cuomo, 63, agreed to allow Attorney General Letitia James to appoint an external investigator into the growing scandal.

His senior adviser Beth Garvey originally said Saturday night that the government had urged former federal judge Barbara Jones to address an investigation.

The move, however, quickly provoked divisive criticism, both because Cuomo tried to dictate his own investigation, and because Jones had previously worked with Steve Cohen, Cuomo’s lawyer and key adviser.

When the setback began to escalate Sunday morning, James asked the Cuomo government to have her office appoint an independent investigator, as required by state law.

Cuomo’s concession comes after several lawmakers in New York, including Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-Bronx / Queens), stressed the importance of an unbiased investigation.

“The detailed reports by Lindsey Boylan and Charlotte Bennett on sexual harassment by the Cuomo government are extremely serious and painful to read,” wrote AOC. “There must be an independent inquiry – not under the direction of an individual elected by the governor, but through the office of the attorney general.”

Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) – who led the charge that led to the resignation of former Senator Al Franken over claims of sexual misconduct – was also among those who called for an independent inquiry.

“These allegations are serious and deeply worrying,” Gillibrand said in a statement. “As requested by Attorney General James, the matter should be referred to her office so that she can conduct a transparent, independent and thorough investigation with subpoena power.”

Gillibrand In 2017, Gillibrand, a 2020 Democratic presidential candidate, quickly issued a full-fledged condemnation of her colleague Franken for facing increasing allegations from several women.

“Enough is enough,” she said at the time.

Additional reporting by Mark Moore
