Part of a Master of Paraguayan Medicine, Dr. Alberto Pascual Cacace Cardozo – Nacionales

After a long illness the existence of the doctor Alberto Pascual Cacace Cardozo (83), recorded by his teachers, by the innumerable persons who had a greater quality of life thanks to his surgeons. A medicine of antiquity with prophecy and gift of people, Christian devotee, complete with his work, sin olvidar also the hypocritical law.

The doctor Teresa Ramos de Ferreira, obstetrician, who worked for many years with the doctor Cacace Cardozo said that “he was a completely honest person, a line of projection, with teaching skills like a professor of antiquity. It’s at its peak, we teach all, we’ll be alumni of the Red Cross and we’ve been helping, and we’ll be working together. Including the vena al Caucupé Regional Hospital to operate conmigo ”.

Being trained in Mexico, according to the doctor, was a very well prepared professional. “We need to learn, we hold clinical meetings, we take courses, we train residents. All a genteel of people trained by gynecology and obstetrics ”.

The medicine was taken from Professor Cacace Cardozo for his great bond and religiosity, and he was also a member of the Diary Society, and he was a member of the Church in San Roque.

“His interventions allowed many women to have a greater quality of life, his specialty being vaginal surgery in benign pathologies. Fue a person who has much supremacy for his illness, or God always ”, says with emotion.

For his part, Blanca doctor Lila Fretes de Brom demonstrated that he was referring to Dr. Cacace Cardozo as a “Paraguayan Master in Gynecology and Obstetrics because of form in techniques such as forceps, teaches surgery, is one of the most powerful tricks. I remember it very well because I have many friends. He was maestro in the Cruz Roja, and when he was president of the Paraguayan Society of Gynecology and Obstetrics the number “Maestro” was recorded.

Sentabas palabras también generó en el doctor Juan Pablo Servín, gyneco obstetra, quien opino que “ha partid a la mensidad eterna uno de los grandes de la Medicina Paraguaya. This medicine that acostumbraba ser senorial, llena de celo y virtud, puntillosa y sobre toda humana y solidaria. Albert’s query “Cacache”, as we say with affection, always responds with some affective salute, with the diminutive number. Fue un Maestro, de aquellos que enseñaban por el placar de teachar, ensañaba spontanee, casi sin proponérselo, porque lo haxía con su pristino exemplar su su meridiana y luminosa transparencia ”.

The doctor Cacace Cardozo forms various generations of medicines in his cross Cruz Roja Paraguaya where he is recorded and recorded with veneration and respect, along with other illustrations such as Negrete or Aparicio, says Doctor Servín. “Eximio and precise circujano, with the instruments in the mano era an artist and daba placer verl operate. The best hysterectomies and Whertein – oncologic surgery – the living as a helping hand. But above all there is a MEDICINE with muscles, grandiose and human medicine, as we must do all, while increasing the ability of the given law ”, said the affective student. And he continued, “I have the honor of working in his barn at my youth, during various years in the San Benigno sanatorium, and learning much about his science, his art and his exemplary human quality. “Form a marvelous family of the two of their two brothers Raquel and Alberto, his friendly friends, who have made this amorous resignation”, concluded in his post on Facebook.
