Papa Francisco visits Iraq, returns to security – Asia – International

For the first time in history, a papa will visit part of the Iraqi fires to reconcile the Christian minority diezmada by the conflicts and duration of life and tender mano, in a spectacular gesture, to Islam chiita.

(Additions: Alert for attacks on Iraqi cohorts in two papal days)

In the wake of the Christianity, which the warriors had committed and marked the violence of the Islamic State (EI) group, The Pope Francisco will be reunited with the maximum religious authority dand a part of the world chiita, the great Ayatollah Ali Sistani, in Nayaf, on the outskirts of Baghdad.

It is the assimilation of the first way of the sovereign pontificate from the beginning of the covid-19 pandemic, haase haberse vacunado, al igual que la multitud de periodistas y eclesiásticos que le acompañan. During his visit of three days, the Argentine father of 84 years visited a diverse Christian minority for a reduced period at least a median population of 40 million Iraqi exhausted over 40 years of war and economic crisis.

(Here: Así will be the route of the most difficult journey that the Pope: Iraq has)

The papal program is as ambitious as the historic crossroads: the moon, the pontificate will visit a cathedral that was the home of a 2010 rehearsal massacre in Baghdad, the city of Ur, in the meridian desert of Iraq, Nayaf and the destroyed churches by the EI in Mosul (north).

Iraq Papa Francisco 6

According to ‘AFP’, between the Papa’s program, the visit to a cathedral was preceded by the presentation of a number of rehearsals 11 years ago.

El papa will find approximately 1,650 kilometers mainly on airplanes. In all its history, well-meaning messages have been sent and called to coexistence. He has asphalted the carriages, he has security guards installed and he has carried out renovation work in houses that have never been in official visitation programs.

“The papal message is to say that the Church is in charge of those who are suffering,” Najeeb Michaeel, the Catholic Archbishop of Mosul and Aqra, told AFP. “The father sent a message including where he committed crimes against Humanity and genocide“, assures the prelate, who knows how to marry the jihadists in Mosul.

The Christian community of Iraq is one of the most ancient and one of the most diverse, in the absence of the Catholic-Catholic, Orthodox and Protestant Armenians.

In times of the dictatorship of Sadam Husein (1979-2003) had about 1.5 million Christians, up from 6% of Iraqis. But in recent times as much as 400,000, 1% of the population, calculates William Warda, of Hammurabi, a local NGO defending the minors.

(You may be interested in: The cities that visit Francisco in Iraq)

Antes del exilio, The Mayoria of the Christians is located in the province of Nineveh, cuya capital es Mosul. Here, the display cases of the shops and the books of rezo are in modern Aramaic.

Cuna del exilio

When in 2014, the EI Yihadists occupy Mosul, the papa francisco give his support to the international military campaign to strengthen Iraqi forces. Entones say they want to support Iraqi Christians.

In 2019, the sovereign pontificate condemned the sangria repression of a revolt gewilde against the power that sacrificed on all to Baghdad and to Iraq. It is this meridional region adonde ira the sabbath the father, to Ur, where the patriarch Abraham, according to tradition.

Peru Iraq is located in the Vatican mentally including the antes of the Papa Francisco’s Legacy.

In 2000, Sadam Husein repeated a jar of free water at the last moment in the hopes of Juan Pablo II, who was able to make a breakthrough in the country. Ten years later, the patriarch of the Iraqi Cold War, Louis Sako, received from the Iraqi President Barham Saleh an official invitation directed by the father to come and “cure” the country of violence, in a confessional manner.

Iraq Papa Francisco 1

This is the first time that Francisco’s dad has realized the start of the pandemic.


Ammar Salih. EFE / Zaid Al-Obeidi. AFP

El covid-19 return the journey through the confinement, tax during the duration of his visit, without the notice of Vatican ambassador to Baghdad positive for coronavirus han hecho cambiar el programa. The only incidence is that the father will be privately owned by crowds.

Reclaimed in a monastery of the Vatican since its renunciation eight years ago, the papal emeritus Benedict XVI juzgó to this journey as “very important” to also “peligroso”, so much for security reasons as to rise from covid.

Various teams from Vatican Security visited Iraq, a theater of geopolitical tensions, to organize security. Provincial commissions are set to blind the papal circuit. The birds by the moon, the papal plane will arrive in Baghdad with about 150 people on board, the periodic meeting.

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Papa Francisco is once again calling for Islam. In 2019 in the United Arab Emirates, firm with the jeweler Ahmed al Tayeb, imam of Al Azhar, the maximum institution of Islamic Islam, a document surrounding the dialogue between Christians and Muslims.

In Iraq, the Pope Francisco is meeting with the Chiitas, mayorals in Iraq for minorities in the world -200 million of the 1,800 million Muslims-, to meet with the great Ayatollah Ali Sistani.

To the governor of Nayaf, Louai al-Yasseri, took a “historic visit” while Sistani, although physically invisible, turned into the last ten decades in a brawl for Iraq and the rest of the world. “If there is a religious leader following the 20% of the world population: his visit means a lot, his encounter with the great ayatollah will have an enormous impact”.

* With AFP information
