Omar Fernández extreme Colombian of the Puebla sueña with the selection of Rueda | Colombian and el outside

Colombian Omar Fernández, extreme of the Puebla, insures these players who play in Mexican football have the margin to appear in the convocators of the selection of their countries. “The Colombian selection is a complicated topic, the majority of the players who play in Europe, in my position have a lot of competence. If you want to read the selection, you have to do twice as much as possible”, statement in press release.

Fernández, the second footballer with the most assistants of the MX League in the regular phase of the tournament, confirmed that at the age of 27 he had the illusion of making his debut in the Colombian mayor’s selection. “There is no future in playing in the selection, the series is the best for me. I am in the sub-20, but there is an illusion that I have, my sons are the ones who require me to be here”, added.

The South American attacker lives his third year with the Puebla team, equipped with one that is consolidated as one of the main elements in the offensive. “Pasan los años y me sigo ganande un titest puesto, a donde vaya doy lo mejor de mí, trabajo para mejorar todos los días par el Puebla, en este momento n pienso en dejar al equipo”, express.

Fernández recorded the towers in the Puebla in the one that was directed by the Peruvian Juan Reynoso, actual coach of the Cruz Azul, a strange description as a friend. “Prof. Juan is an important person not only for me, but for all my family. From the age of 20 I know him, he is the person who gave me the opportunity to sell from Colombia to Peru and Mexico, I was happy with him and my form of agradecérselo fue rendir siempre la la cancha “, signaled the center-back offensive.

Fernández y el Puebla, led by Argentine Nicolás Larcamón, is preparing to visit this Saturday in America at the Aztec Stadium, part of the 20th century Clausura 2021 of Mexican football. “The team is motivated, we want the Aztecs to score three points.

The group is mentally moving to the United States, which we will be releasing in the best version. For derrotarlos debemos mejorar en la contundencia “, finalizó.

