ODS3. DKV launches VII Medicinos and Solidarity Awards 2021

March 15th marks the start of the candidacy period for the VII Medicines and Solidarity Awards de DKV this year we are celebrating with a special edition COVID-19. DKV look for those solidarity initiatives initiated or potential in 2020 that have the objective of helping to alleviate the effects of the population that has caused the pandemic, by increasing sanitation processes and launching new activities.

This edition will run in 3 categories and each one of these will be endowed with a donation of € 10,000:

  • Solidarity Organization Award: As a result of the implementation of a solidarity action project carried out by a company in the sanitary organization with the aim of improving the situation of the health of patients that he passed COVID-19, the impact he has had on the professional professional relations with the treatment of this nurse
  • Solidarity Health Care Professional Award: This award is directed to professionals or teams of professionals who are involved in the sanitary sector and are reconciled with the implementation of a solidarity project or voluntary action with the aim of improving the situation provoked by the health of the COVID-19.
  • Award for Initiative in Digital Solidarity Health, objectively speaking, it has the effect that the COVID-19 caused in the health-level population.

Candidates can present their projects through this link until the 14th of May of this year. In the first instance, the participation form will be filled out. Posterly, a specialized jury will validate the candidacies in accordance with the effects caused in the health of the population devoted to the sanitary crisis generated by the coronavirus.

These projects should be related to the form explained with medicine, solidarity and altruism and will be led or protagonized by health professionals. The fall of the prizes will take place during a gala to be held in Madrid in the last quarter of this year, in one place by the determinant.

From the first edition of the premiums it consists of more than 1,380 candidates, 25 premiums and € 230,000 and donations of a new work solidaria que llevan a cabo los profesionales del sector socio sanitario españoles. With this seventh edition the insurer will continue to signify solidarity and increase these figures of opmerklik form.
