New York is a macro center of the holiday and the stadium of the Yankees to accelerate the process | Sociedad

Chiara Fronte, Italian American, 90 years old in August, salvaged this year from the Yankees Stadium, in a row of rooms built by his iron and sculpted by members of the National Guard. Había received the first dose of the vaccine against the coronavirus the first day of massive inoculation in the arena of the popular stadium, equipped as a macrocentra of vaccination to accelerate a process that a search. On the eve of the month the first vulture of the Bronx -solo was evacuated to the empadronados in the district-, ya mediodía, the cola of patients was mezclaba with the women aspiraban to quote, in the middle of a group of reservists, police locales, periodicals and volunteers of distinctive care organizations. “I’ve been a bit of a nightmare of aunts like me for a long time, but I’ve been rare since the pinchazo, I’ve got a very high rate and I have no reaction. It’s my mayor for this lió ”, said Fronte tras levantarse de la silla. “I am happy because God has given me 90 years, but I am very sad to see that this illness is provoking in all respects. It’s a point of departure. In the pechera llevaba aún the white pegatina with the number that the correspondence in the file, thinking that the service for the second dose, the next day 26.

‘We calculate that today [por este viernes] one thousand people will be evacuated, and in the near future we will have a cup of 2,000 ”, explained the words of the recent Ramón Tallaj, head of medical care for the president and president of Somos Community Care, a very well-known sanitation service in the Bronx and with a plant of 2,500 specialists distributed throughout the city. “Sanitation workers who administer their medicines and nurses live, and live and work in the Bronx, because they do not know that the vectors of this district, Latinos, Negroes, families with small resources, are particularly vulnerable to the pandemic.” The vecinos our conocen, confían en nosotros y por eso agradezco especialmente al alcalde de Nueva York [Bill de Blasio] y al gobernador [Andrew Cuomo], as well as our Yankees, who chose us for the field. I do not imagine a better site than this stadium. “Compensation is the car of happiness, alivio and tranquility, which are all through the pinchazo”, concludes Tallaj.

Doctor Tallaj manages social clinics, both in the Bronx and elsewhere in Washington Heights, as well as a high percentage of immigrant people. “On the verge of vacancy, and all the hope that is needed to overcome this crisis, the fundamental message that we must transmit is the need to promote health, as in this barrier is especially important.” The organization that presides over the benefits of Medicaid, the medical security that will cover some of the needs of the most needy people.

The Bronx, which in principle operates two hours a day after aspiring to the 24th, is the first macro-center to be housed in the New York City, in the hope that it will recover the sufficient dose number to open a second in the Citi Veld, stadium located in the center of the pandemic, the district of Queens. The American Football League (NFL, in its English leagues) has announced that it will be at the disposal of the Administration for the teams’ teams. The Bronx and Queens have 35 new improvised churches in churches, community centers and social living complexes, they operate. The problem of the vassal summit is the only one in the rhythm that the authorities pretend to print in the process, when the border crosses the 26.5 million cases and the 450,000 deaths, if well the rhythm of new contagios is reduced by 15% to increment by 5% the munitions. Local and State Governors also claim that evacuation campaigns in the Bronx and Queens macrocentrons are helping to reduce the alarming racial gap between inoculums, while doctor Anthony Fauci advises that the British variant of the virus be extended predictably through the country and complicates the evolution of the most grafted cases.

Francisca, jubilee of 73 years of Dominican origin, entered this same jueves by the notice that emcezaba the vacancy, intention to follow this quote on the Somos web page -the only available for fin- y, but no follow-up to be collapsed, decision dedicate your life to hope to be rewarded in situ. The file of women aguardaban to register daba a media manana la vuelta a medio estadio, a cuyo interior solo podían acceder los citados. “Because it appears that we are the end of this tragedy, there is no doubt that the only thing we can do is evacuate. But I also believe that if I find that I have been displaced in another district I will probably not be able to do so, because I will move. It is an allegory that he opened this center right on the sidewalk ”. In his family he had five cases of covid-19, and only three were recovered.

Ayuntamiento officials will inform you that there are only 15,000 citations available for the next week, and that the opening of the stadium – various vouchers for vultures – will only be confirmed by the schools, which the authorities hope to have a mayor. “Geen nos las están quitando de las manos nie [las citas]”Lamentaba este jueves on Twitter the Democratic Councilor Mark Levine. “If we have a good notice, the availability of citations, and otherwise, that the information has not been read to anyone interested. The Aidamiento debería is informing in the calls to the people ”. Alcaldia is blank on the criticism of the complicated Internet registry system, which confounds especially the mayors, for its vacancy centers. The most recurring theme on social media sites, such as the NextDoor web page, is exactly what I would like to quote.

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