NBA LeBron James on the insults you have with Juliana Carlos in the Lakers vs. Hawks [Video]

From a moment to another sonaron the syllables: the game between Atlanta Hawks and Los Angeles Lakers detuvo cuando el reloj marcaba que quedaban ocho minutos en elltimo quarto. What happened? The rooms focus on LeBron James they are fanatical about the cost of the canteen in full exchange of words.

Hasta ahí parecía que todo era normal, pero los énimos se calentaron y segun la aficionada que fue expulsada del juego junto a su parjeja, LeBron was the culprit in her case. In the meantime, social media hiccups in working and viralizing videos of the altercation between James and the fanatics of the NBA.

The poster that has an Instagram account is the number of Juliana Carlos show off his stories like the game’s expulsion and despatch against LeBron because he’s the star of the Lakers “I have my money during the game and the maldijo”. Además, la mujer también accusó a James de lanzar improperios contra ella.

Although it appeared that the altercado was quarreling in the duel of the State Farm Arena, Juliana Carlos and LeBron James had his respectful versions of the altercado who played in the game between the Los Angeles Lakers and Atlanta Hawks. Mientras que la mujer siguió alterada, la estrella de NBA se tomo gracia lo sucedido.

LeBron James won the los insultos with one mujer and Atlanta Hawks against Los Angeles Lakers

“At the end of the day, I’m happy that the fans have regained their composure. Extraction is this interaction. We, as players, need this interaction. Since there is no mercy being expelled, there is an idea and space between the great men in which he lives on his part and he is the one. Después hubo otra parte dijo lo suyo también y no creo que debían ser expulsados. Tal vez tenían un par de tragos (…) Los árbitros hicieron lo que tenían que hacer ”, confirmig LeBron James.
