National and International Surfers and Motive Farewell to the Kingdom of La Bocana, Katherine Díaz

People gather to meet and celebrate the life of the Salvadoran surfer, who were forced to lie down on a ridge during a week-long training session.

A la Reina de la Bocana, Katherine Díaz, the despidier scientos of surfists, friends, acquaintances who play at the play of La Libertad, together with the famosa of El Tunco, ahí donde surfeaba casi a diario. Ahi, donde la tragedia la alcanzó en forma de rayo, ahí, muy cerca de donde nation. Ahí la despidieron, en el mar.

In an act loaded with emotion, also a mixture of allegory mixed with sadness, the presents are photos, flowers, cards to demonstrate the love that the teen has this chic.

“Bamba” Díaz, about Katherine: “Las leyendas nunca mueren. She will never die ”

National Preselection, played with the surf champion, like many in La Libertad. But on its legacy, it transports the frontal fronts and reads the fundamental fibers of humanity through its form. Fue ella, junto con otras amistades que no hace mucho se reunieron para recolectar viveres, ropa, comida para los necesitados, los que más sufrieron durante las tormentas que dejaron dolor y luto a families of the past year.

The Katherine Díaz family joins Playa El Tunco to make a living. Photo EDH / Jonatan Funes

From his passion for the sea, and as her account of her husband Erica, she had to say that, in the morning, she believed that she would despair, in the beach, in La Bocana, where she returned. I would like to save your money. The maps that cover the quemaron and a very nutritious group of surfers take the sea to the savings, together with many white flowers. Era su deseo, él último.

His German “El Bamba” Díaz sums up the meaning of the presents: “she always keeps me motivated… she is a lieenda, y, as dice el dicho, las leiendas nunca mueren”.

Luego, in a deed of expediency that includes the religious part, records the ephemeral of life and the importance of valor the power to breathe, deliver every day. Katherine was not able to walk through the area where she lived.

National surfers will take to the Playa El Tunco to realize the homage to Katherine Díaz. Photo EDH / Jonatan Funes

“A ray of light is the light, if there is another light”, dijo su hermana. The tragic death of Katherine También also captures the fragility of life, and came instantly to change.

“Hasta always Katherine”, gritó alguien en la multitud. While he, from the water, from the sciences of the subway, listens to the visions in his number, in his honor, in his legacy, by the human being who flees.

National surfers will take to the Playa El Tunco to realize the homage to Katherine Díaz. Photo EDH / Jonatan Funes

“I’m surprised to see aunt like our wine to accompany, see that aunt loves the queria, the concoction. I’m sad, but I’m glad to see you all, ”said Erica. Hasta siempre Katy, tu leyenda seguirá viva.

“She was great at competing in this world that came”, said her husband, José Díaz. Photo EDH / Jonatan Funes
