Muere en La Habana the legendary radio actress Martha Velasco

| 27/02/2021 – 07:16 (GMT-4)

The renowned Cuban actress and locator Martha Velasco, the record Teresa Guitarreta ‘Teté’, from ‘Alegrías de Sobremesa’, the failure of the four in La Habana in the 95 years, inform Radio Reloj.

Martha developed an extensive career in television, theater and national radio, although this was the last medium in which she works most, in dramatic and humorous spaces.

As a reconnaissance of his work on more media sails as a protagonist of novels, stories, theaters and series in the broadcast Radio Progreso, received the National Award of Radio by the Work of the Life.

“Sí, me formé on the radio transiting through these cases the broadcasters of La Habana, who were like the most trained”, dijo in an interview on the web portal of the Cuban radio.

Born in the Cuban capital on November 1, 1925, Martha Velasco debuted 17 years ago in the paper of Doña Inés, from the work ‘Don Juan Tenorio’, for the emissary Quizá-Seigle. Stage actuation and recitation will be performed at the School of Fine Arts of the Galle Center of La Habana.

Among the characters that the actress recorded with more character are the protagonists of the novel ‘The Color Purple’ and the theatrical work ‘The House of Bernarda Alba.

I also worked on the important emitter RHC Cadena Azul. Among the actors with the microphone compartment on the wide leg are Julio Alberto Casanova, Raquel Revuelta, Pastor Felipe, Raúl Selis and Miguel Navarro, among others.

For his artistic merits he was also awarded the Distinction by the National Culture, the Medal Artist of Merit of Radio and Television and the Medal Alejo Carpentier.

By decision confessed, his corpse will be cremated.

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