Montana COVID-19 Report (Sunday, January 31)

130 new COVID-19 cases were reported in Montana on Sunday, and the death toll since the start of the pandemic in the country has reached 1,228, according to data compiled by MTN News since our initial report on Saturday.

According to MTN News, there are currently 3,683 active cases in the state, and there was a cumulative total of 94,144 cases of the virus in Montana. Of the total cases, 89,233 recovered.

There are currently 101 people hospitalized for the treatment of the virus, and the cumulative number of hospitalizations is 4,245.

The number of tests conducted in the state reached 954,249, an increase of 3,506 during the previous 24-hour reporting period.

The number of Montanane who received at least one of the two vaccine shots is 106,121; the number of Montanane who received both shots and are now fully vaccinated is 26,388.

The numbers reported by MTN reflect the latest data from the Montana COVID Web Site, together with supplementary information received from health departments in the province.

Click here for information on COVID-19 vaccination efforts in Montana.

Note: As COVID-19 cases escalate in Montana, the difference between state data from DPHHS and local data from health departments in the province is growing.

MTN has decided to use a combination of these sources to provide more accurate information on all media platforms. We think this is a more true version of the situation in Montana.

Local health departments can be alerted to cases occurring before Montana DPHHS. As the provinces share the information with the public, MTN feels that this should be reflected in our reporting. Using the local data, there will be times when MTN coronavirus data does not match the state report.
