Mexico’s move to green light marijuana could put Biden under pressure

President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, whose party strongly supports the proposal, is expected to sign the bill and the US between the world’s two largest legal marijuana markets.

Why this is a big deal: With a population of nearly 130 million people, Mexico would become the largest country in the world to legalize cannabis nationally. By comparison, the other two countries that have already taken that step – Canada (37.6 million) and Uruguay (3.4 million) – have a combined population of less than a third. of Mexico’s.

The spectrum of legal marijuana markets on the northern and southern borders of the United States is expected to put new pressure on the federal government to weaken restrictions on marijuana.

“My guess is at some point the driving force to criminalize or legalize,” said Andrew Rudman, director of the Mexico Institute at the Wilson Center, pointing out that a majority of SU members are currently representing states with legal markets. “I think Mexico is probably giving more impetus to something that could have happened anyway.”

In December, the U.S. House passed legislation that would end federal fines for possession of marijuana and remove beliefs from the past. With the Democrats gaining control of the Senate in January, the prospects for easing marijuana restrictions have increased, although most close observers of cannabis policy are still skeptical that there will be a major change in federal policy soon. be.

Biden’s position: The president said he wanted to end criminal fines and expand medical research on marijuana, but that he did not support full legalization. Vice President Kamala Harris was a sponsor of the Senate version of the bill that the House approved last sitting.

Biden has nominated California Attorney General Xavier Becerra – a strong supporter of marijuana legalization – to be its Secretary of Health and Human Services. Under Becerra’s leadership, HHS may change its position in 2015 that marijuana has no medicinal benefits.

Attorney General Merrick Garland, could play an even more important role in determining federal marijuana policy. Garland argued during a confirmation hearing last month that the fight against state-run marijuana markets would not be a wise use of limited federal resources.

The White House did not respond to a request for comment on whether Mexican legalization would change Biden’s attitude.

The background: In November 2015, the Mexican Supreme Court ruled that banning people from using marijuana for personal use was unconstitutional. Two years later, legislation legalizing medical marijuana was signed.

In October 2018, the Supreme Court ruled that the ban on the use of marijuana for recreation was unconstitutional and ordered the Legislature to take action. It initially set a deadline of 90 days to execute the decision, but the timeline has been extended several times.

However, the legislature now seems ready to grant final approval. The Chamber of Deputies approved the bill by an overwhelming margin. As changes have been made in the chamber, the bill now returns to the Senate for a different vote.

“Honestly, I do not expect bad surprises this time,” said Erick Ponce, president of Grupo Promotor de la Industria del Cannabis, a leading industry group.

The details: The bill would legalize the possession of up to 28 grams of marijuana. It can also grow individuals up to six plants.

Forty percent of the cultivation licenses for the first five years would be reserved for the communities that have been excessively affected by criminal law enforcement, although the details have yet to be worked out.

The Chamber of Deputies has made amendments to the previously passed Senate bill relating to the government agency that will manage licensing, foreign investment and restrictions on the THC power in food and e-cigarettes.

Who is opposed to it: Unlike the US, where votes show that about two-thirds of Americans support legalization, public opinion in Mexico would allow sales for recreation. In a poll conducted by El Financiero in July, it was found that 58 percent of Mexicans are opposed to legalization, while only 38 percent support it. The survey also showed a clear gap between generations and education. Older respondents and those without a high school degree were much more likely to resist legalization.

The Roman Catholic Church in Mexico was one of the harshest critics of legalization. After the Senate approved the legislative bill in November, the Mexican Council of Bishops exploded the legislation.

“The bill passed does not address the health damage resulting from increasing marijuana use, does not address the consequences for families of young people’s drug use, and does not contribute to reducing drug exposure. , “wrote the council.

What’s next: Proponents of the bill expect the Senate to vote early next week. If passed, it will go to the president’s desk.

Marijuana sales would not start immediately if the bill became law. It will take time before regulations are written and businesses are licensed. The country’s medical program has just been dropped from the ground more than two years after legislation was approved.
