Meghan Markle and Prince Harry Surprise Zoom Poetry Class

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“10/10 would recommend The Duke and Duchess of Sussex for your next Zoom poetry exercise.”

Reading poems in front of an audience can be quite nerve-wracking – now imagine that Meghan Markle and Prince Harry exist in the audience.

This is exactly what happened to a group of poetry students who had their weekly Zoom meeting when the Duke and Duchess pulled in to surprise them. To say they were shocked is an understatement:

I mean, who wouldn’t have this reaction?

Meghan and Harry’s special appearance was organized in honor of Black History Month through a non-profit art education Get Lit, which promotes literacy and empowers young people through poetry.

According to Mason Granger, manager of the organization’s public outreach, Meghan and Harry stopped for 45 minutes during which the students had the opportunity to ask questions, read poetry and just chat with the couple – which impressively many of the students knew has!

@getlitpoet / Via

“They read and learned the kids bios I sent earlier!” Mason remarked.

Meghan even took the time to share lines from some of her favorite poems!

Chris Jackson / Getty Images

“My favorite part of it all was Meghan reflecting so many sentiments we talked about in class, about this particular moment in time to be a young person and the ripple effect of a single voice,” Mason wrote on Instagram.

He added, “The root that they decide to come is because they were moved by a poem at some point in their lives. And whoever wrote that poem at some point thought to themselves, ‘Make it “Are you still listening?” And they shared it anyway. Fast forward ripple ripple and these kids get a surprising 45 minute chat with Prince Harry and Meghan. It was pretty surreal. “

Michael Bradley / Getty Images

Student Nyarae Francis also commented on the experience, writing: “It was life-changing to say the least.”

And as Mason noted, “10/10 would recommend The Duke and Duchess of Sussex for your next Zoom poetry.”

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