Medicine for diabetics and over-the-counter antidepressants has failed in social security campus | Ecuador | Notice

From the community of El Limón, donde vive, en la via a Crucita (Manabí), Rómulo Quimís koop ‘n visit the rural medical dispensaries of Seguro Social Campesino (SSC). Supervise that there are abastecidos of medicines, that haya insumos y, in particular, that the medicines atiendan.

Here are our ads. “In our rural sector, no covid-19 case has been reported, but staff have been so desperate to say that they will not be able to contact them until tomorrow. If there are major units in the medical staff, there are no studies, then. We will have a meeting with the director “, said Quimís, President of the Federation of Affiliates in the Ecuadorian Security Council.

These are suman, aggregation, vacations that doctors pay in winter and the lack of insomnia as gas, alcohol, antibacterial gel, jabon and hasta hygienic paper in some units of health of Manabí, where hay 135 dispensaries, of the 659 of the red of the SSC.

“And another thing: falta suero antiofídico. During this time of January, in Siberia, the death toll from culebra“all these are by default,” says the conductor, who states that these are his most necessary things, such as buying condoms that help the first week of January the Social Security Campus. “In the way of pondering so, pongan estos materials”, recalca.

Daniel Zambrano, leader of the affiliates in the north of Manabí, insists that pharmacists be involved with the chronic males: “Condones are second-order algae, the most important is that there is no medicine for diabetics, hypertensives, that is what is lacking and that is most present in people”.

Luis Pilalot, conductor in Guayas, agrees that, following the reports he received, “Medicine is read in small quantities, not for hypertensive or diabetic patients, and when it is used in a week”.

The purchase of 281,400 condones, for $ 13,500 and a place of 30 days, is not the only one that he has, details the director of the Social Security Department, Juan Sebastián Romero. From June, when the cargo was taken care of, the official bought 18 medicines from the 135 of the basic team. “Of these 135, we are going to acquire 50 items in the first quarter of this year. In other cases we have items that have been purchased the past year and are in the process of being received. The national average level of medicines in medicines is 45% ”, declaration.

According to the records of the Public Contracting Service (Sercop), since June 70 cases have been initiated, 45 of them have been judged on execution and the remaining 25 are to be contracted. Here are some kits for papanicolau, respirators, azithromycin, loratadina, dental instruments, digital thermometers.

Romero did not confirm the assassination of his anti-drug, but he was rebuffed at the galenic outbreak. “There are telemedicine doctors, but this is not an excuse to discuss our health units,” the director said, explaining that the purchase of the preservatives is in the national sexual and reproductive health plan.

“We believe in the necessity of the need that we have for the centers of the SSC”, confirms Romero, while the conductor Zambrano signaled: “We do not condone condones. We have animals, but we do not have the money, so that we can decide”. (I)

A 33% increase is seen in the Social Security Campaign in 2021

It is the highest altitude of the last 5 years for the Social Security Campaign approving the IESS Directive Council for the ownership of 2021. The figure rises to $ 635 million, that is, $ 150 million or 33% more than it fijó en el 2020 ($ 478 million).

Contrary to many people’s beliefs, the IESS resolution does not have an austerity plan. We call the attention that, at the time when Gobierno’s quedation, a prescription was being issued when it was not detailed in terms of medicines, in order to contract new medicines “, questioned by Luis Pilalot Navarrete, President of the Federation of Africa Guayas.

However, the director of the Social Security Department, Juan Sebastián Romero, explained that the alleged increase is due to the payment of a historic deed (of $ 200 million) that the SSC has with the IESS Health Fund, by the medical attention received by the camps in the specialized units of the IESS: “The Board of Directors has approved this measure in order to cover this debt”.

Además detail that $ 120 million spent on pensions ($ 104 per month) up to 300,000 anniversaries.

Para salud’s destination of $ 77.3 million and the sueldos of 473 employees, $ 2.1 million. The security guard has 1.1 million affiliates, bringing in $ 2.34 each and receiving medical attention along with his family.

Some organization of campers, as directed by Daniel Zambrano, cobran valors additional to affiliates to cover some necessities.

We have a laboratory that we have acquired with the proposed remedies of the affiliates, and the reactive compromises we have ours ”, explained the director Daniel Zambrano.

Three advertisements and two years, a contract has been awarded for 287 dental implants

Despuos of two years, and in the middle of advertisements, in December passed the adjudication contract for the purchase and installation of 287 dental units for the rural dispensaries of the Social Security Campesino, for $ 2.4 million. to the Clinicdent consortium, formed by Hospmedic, Citymedical and Vialdental companies.

The intention to buy is initiated in the media of 2018 and has been declared desirable on its occasions, following a statement from the Registrar of the Public Contracting Service (Sercop). It is concerned with the participation of business associates, the presentation of additional guarantees in the event of invalidity, errors in the sub-process, among others.

The director of the Social Security Department, Juan Sebastián Romero, stated that in his management he did not dilute the process and revealed that there were market studies for the reference of the reference price.

The first studio, in 2018, saw the value of $ 9,500 for each equipped dental clinic, but in its administration — precisely — it has a new study determined, “with the same technical specifications,” a reference price of $ 6,100.

And it ends up worthwhile, a negotiation fee, approximately $ 5,700, including maintenance of the dental units for 10 years, ”said Juan Sebastián Romero, director of Seguro Social Campesino.

In denunciation the Sercop the queues are directed to the companies of the consortium. However, the Sercop accepts the answers of the Security and validates the process. (I)
