Mara Wilson calls for media ‘scary’ treatment of Britney Spears’ Child Stars deadline

Mara Wilson writes an essay for the New York Times in which the media and Hollywood criticize the treatment of young stars, including Britney Spears, Drew Barrymore and Amandla Stenberg.

The actress, known for being in Matilda and Mrs. Doubtfire, shared the essay Tuesday. She begins her piece describing how an interview with a Canadian newspaper was soured. What was set up as an interview about an upcoming film becomes an article that suggests Wilson has her time in the spotlight and will go down dark paths – a series of events she calls ‘The Narrative’. However, Wilson’s treatment is not specific just to herself, as she draws parallels with the way pony newspapers and the media treated Britney Spears.

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“Her story is a striking example of a phenomenon I’ve seen for years: our culture builds these girls just to destroy them,” Wilson wrote. “Fortunately, people are becoming aware of what we are doing to Ms. Spears did and began to apologize to her. But we are still living with the scars. ”

Wilson recalls the inappropriate interactions she experienced while working on a number of films during the 90s. Wilson has never appeared in ‘anything more revealing than a knee-length sundress’, recounting the ways in which media and fans have objected and sexualized her pre-teen self despite her best efforts. Of people who asked her about her romantic relationships at the age of six to 50-year-old men who recorded her love letters, Wilson said she “felt ashamed” about every awkward moment of unwanted attention.

‘Hollywood decided to tackle harassment in the industry, but I’m never been sexually harassed on a movie set. My sexual harassment always comes under the media and the public, ”she continues.

Wilson admits that she had a support system in forms of family and good friends, unlike Spears at the time of her inception. She wrote that she knows she has some control over her finances and how much she was in the public eye.

She notes that the pop star did not have the right space to deal with personal issues such as her divorce and motherhood. Due to the constant attention of the paparazzi and the media, ‘the Narrative’ was forced on ‘Spears, which still makes her a spectacle for tabloid and gossip.

‘The saddest thing about me. Spears’ ‘collapse’ is that it never has to happen. When she tears up with her husband, shaves her head and angrily attacks a paparazzi car with an umbrella, the narrative is forced upon her, but the reality was that she was a new mother who had to deal with major life changes. People need space, time and care to handle those things. She had none of it, “she wrote.

Wilson’s op-ed, titled “The Lies Hollywood Tells About Little Girls,” comes after Hulu’s Framed by Britney Spears doc sheds light on the media and the general public’s treatment of the superstar.

Read Wilson’s full article here.
