Man who pays a Lamborghini with help by covid-19 declares punishable

Miami, United States.

David Hines, accused of fraudulently obtaining 3.9 million dollars in federal aid for companies affected by the covid-19 and using part of the money to buy a Lamborghini car and daring other capricious cars, is suing a Florida court.

The audience celebrates this Wednesday through Zoom and in the same quiz decided that Hines, resident of Miami, will receive sentence in April next year, please inform your local media.

The case of Hines tuvo un gran eco en Florida, a state very economically affected by the pandemic where many things are produced by the difficulty and length of the traumas to obtain federal aid.

A Hines, who was 29 years old when he was detained in July, the authorities found a Lamborghini Huracán valued in 318,000 dollars and the sum of 3.4 million of dollars in bank accounts.

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According to the information provided by the Tax Office when detained, Hines solicited the credits ‘n fondo perdido del Programa des Salarios (PPP) a number of various companies to supplement pay the salaries of their employees during the activity pandemic.

Hines was accused of carrying a load of bank fraud, false declaration to an institution finance and a third party for transactions with illegal transactions.

Apparently, the PPP program helps to raise up to 13.5 million dollars in a number of different companies and runs a financial institution that costs 3.9 million dollars in December.

But there is a suspicion and an investigation revealed that no employee has paid any salary but he has been paid for the purchase of objects and places in Miami Beach hotels.
