Malka Lefier’s Oscars History, 74-year-old abusive mistress master in an Australian school | El Salvador News

The woman of 54 is ultra-Orthodox and has been abducted in Israel, but has been extradited to Australia to seek justice.

The notice of his extradition contains a small amount of living space for the victims who were abused by the master master. The denunciations and retrieval of testimonials have finally been validated by the fact that he was lied to by a large group of more than one decade.

The sex offender was discovered in 2007 when Dassi Erlich, a member of the Orthodox Church in Melbourne, took into account his abusive therapist years ago by the director of the Adass Israel school, as a first-time secondary school student and joven staff member .

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Thank you to his testimony that it was revealed that only Erlich was also his two husbands, Nicole Meyer and Elly Sapper, were also abused by Leifer.

Three years of appeals and lawsuits residing in Israel, the Justice of the Netherlands has been extradited to Malka Lefier in Australia, charged with 74 counts of violations and abuse at a Jewish school in Melbourne.

Leifer, who declared himself ignorant, has been running since 2014 to avoid his extradition, in addition to forging a mental illness to avoid it. Finally, this man was driven by Australian authorities at Ben Gurión’s airport, where he was introduced to a plane with the men and the people exposed, informs the digital Ynet.

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Photo: AFP

His affidavit, Nick Kaufman, indicates that it will be sometime in the midst of a juvenile trial, with the first appearances scheduled for the next days.

Leifer is an ultra-Orthodox and powerful professor and director of the Melbourne Jewish School Adas Israel until 2008, when empezaron surgir the first allegations of abuse, which provoked to take place in Israel and led to an order of detention in Australia in 2012, and a petition of extradition to Israel two years later.

In fact, there was a domicile arrest in 2016 and a judicial psychiatry ruling that will be closed and will not be heard in court until the extradition hearing takes place.

One more year, private investigators will demonstrate that normal life in Jerusalem and another posterior psychiatric panel determined that Lefeir had simulated mental illness, which he was pushing to start the process again.

He was also the victim of a crime he testified against Leifer, who lived with relative normalcy during years in Jerusalem and in the judicial service in Emmanuel’s Cis Jordan.
