Luis Romo advises Cruz Azul on his salute to European football

Going to his demarcation on the camp, Luis Romo turned into an attack attack for Cruz Azul in this tram of Guardians 2021. With the goals scored in the last few days, the ‘todocampista’ is one of the team’s goal scorers and his great return is one of La Máquina’s surgeries’ reasons for the MX League, in which five victories were laid to rest.

Este buen momento de Romo lo ha puesto en la rampa de salida con rumbo al futbol de Europa, y For the next market of transfer companies it is hoped that the sale in Sinalo will be able to receive the first offers from the old continent. This is the game that escapes the judge, and advises Cruz Azul on his future intentions.

It’s a topic that I can present with my representative (here in Europe). We talked and agreed to look for a solution in the first option that we read. In European football I have a better player, and I can play in the best leagues and against the best players “, sent the 25-year-old football player in an interview with Fox Sports.

The semifinal ante Pumas aún present

La derrota ante Pumas in the semifinals of the anterior anterior day a hereditary defect in the nucleus of the cement plant. Luis Romo did not hesitate to refer to the topic, and pointed out that La Máquina dropped a lead inside the field in the 90 ‘minutes in the University Stadium.

I believe we are achieving ourselves at the momentaan, fue algo que nunca había pasado en mi carrera. It’s our fault that it’s calming down, that it’s a wave of authority over those who oppose the situation we give ourselves to., creo que sí nos miss a under leader, argument.

Good: the plant grows

Malo: no hubo files de verdad
