League MX: Jorge ‘Chatón’ Enríquez was disappointed with his Olympic medal

Jorge ‘Chatón’ Henríquez, The ex-player of Guadalajara’s Chivas Rayadas and other teams in the MX League, announced in his social speeches that he was deprived of his gold medal which he collected in the London 2012 Olympic Games, donde la Mexicción Mexicana venció 1-2 a Brasil en la final in el Estadio de Wembley.

‘Chatón’ Henríquez, ex Chivas, by means of his official Twitter account, dio to announce that he will enter his house and the robaron various materials of relevance, place to be with his family approximately one hour, and one of the era la gold medal obtained in our Olympic Games with Mexico.

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“Between these things is an Olympic gold medal that surely some collector will buy and display in his display cases. But if the value is not in the medal, it is not in the live scores! Bendigo has those people who enter my house and rob me of nothing more than things! ”, Reveló en sus redes sociales.

“Sad sadness, having to deal with my family for a while and going home. It is worth noting that your house is full of cabbage and has been robbed of its monetary value, but with much more sentimental value, it is very painful. I would like to thank God that my family is fine. ”, Añadió.

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Without embarrassment, the Chivas canteen is happy because its family is intact and has not suffered any ills, and what is left of its home is that it has no more material materials and they are alive and well.

“Only the materials … but I can rob myself of what we have people interested in serving us! Animo and clear that act as the dictator of the ley! Greetings. ”, Conclusion.

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