Lawyer on Trump election call stops firm after proposal

A lawyer advising President Trump over the past few weeks has resigned from her law firm after it came to light that she took part in the call where Trump officials put pressure on him to help him block the state’s election results. , the firm said in a statement Tuesday.

The lawyer, Cleta Mitchell, advises Mr. Trump despite a policy at her firm, Foley & Lardner, that none of his attorneys should represent clients involved in weakening the presidential election.

“Cleta Mitchell informed the firm’s management about her decision to resign immediately from Foley & Lardner,” the firm said in its statement. ‘Me. Mitchell concluded that her departure was in the best interests of the firm, as well as in her own personal interest. We thank her for her contributions to the firm and wish her well. ”

The resignation of Mrs. Mitchell was the latest proof of the problems Trump has created for law firms during his tenure as their employees and clients object to ties with the president.

In an email to her clients and friends, Ms. Mitchell accuses her departure of a massive pressure campaign over the past few days that leftist groups have set up via social media and other means against me, my law firm and clients of the law firm. She promised to ‘double’ her efforts to ‘election integrity’.

The firm began distancing itself from her shortly after the call was first reported by The Washington Post on Sunday. Since Mr. Trump increasingly made special allegations about the election, he could not attract award-winning legal lawyers to support his case.

Mitchell was one of several Trump assistants who joined the call on Saturday, in which Trump’s Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger vaguely threatened a criminal offense while pushing him to find enough votes to change. the state’s presidential results.

Me. Mitchell represented far-right groups and conservatives for many years. She served on the board of the National Rifle Association and represented Tea Party groups claiming to have been illegally targeted by the Internal Revenue Service.

On Sunday, in the hours after the participation of me. Mitchell on the call, the anti-Trump group, the Lincoln Project, questioned on Twitter why clients like Major League Baseball would be associated with a firm that employs someone who wants to overthrow the election.

In Mitchell’s emails to her clients and friends, she thanked Foley & Lardner for supporting her political practice “all these years despite constant assaults against me, my clients and my work over the years.”

“With the increasingly shameless attacks on conservatives and especially all those who support and want to help President Trump,” she wrote, “I realize that a large national law firm is no longer the right platform for me or my legal practice. ”

She reiterated her unfounded allegations of voter fraud.

“Electoral integrity is something I have been passionate about for many, many years,” she added. “It was and remains my goal to try to reach the truth about the results of the Georgian election. Those who deny the existence of voters and election fraud are not in touch with facts and reality. ”

Since the first year of mr. Trump’s government, he said the disregard for norms, the law and ethics made it difficult for him to attract the best legal talent from established businesses. During the Special Adviser’s inquiry into the Trump campaign with Russian election interference, several firms told their top lawyers that if they wanted to represent the president, they should stop.
