¿La clave del écito? Elon Musk reveals how much time is dedicated to sleep and how is his schedule

In the last episode of the podcast of Joe Rogan, the director of Tesla and SpaceX, Elon Musk, he confessed that he only had 6 hours, recounts CNBC.

By: RT News

“I intend to sleep less, but I will reduce total productivity,” he said. “I do not want to sleep more than 6 [horas]”.

Elon Musk was able to build his schedule. “I work a lot, […] usually occurs at work meetings up to one or two months. The Saturdays and the Domingos usually no, but for weeks [sucede]”, Dijo el multimillonario.

Previously, Musk signaled that in the past he had spent hours during the week and, several times, including sleeping in the basement of his desk in the Tesla office. “Some of them [semanas] deben haber sido de 120 horas o algo loco ”.

In the one interview with Axios in 2018, Musk admits that this schedule is not salutable. Nadie deberia dedicates so many hours to her work, […] no es recommended para nadie. There will be a small place and work 120 hours a week ”.
