Kate Winslet makes sure that four Hollywood actors admit to being gay

For many it is very difficult to create in plenary 2021 there are people who live through a curtain of apprehension, for the time being, the critique and the right of the people, but even the impossible, in our society there is much more discrimination.

The actress Kate Winslet no solo is conscious of this; sino who took the vote to denounce the exclusion of the cLGB omunidadT en Hollywood, including hizo fuertes declarations al asegurar que conoce por lo menos cuatro actors de no han salid del closet por miedo a que sus carreras se hundan.

“I can not tell the number of actors who know, some very famous and others who empathize, who are attracted to what their sexuality is revealed. An actor knows how to hire an estadounidense agent and the agent dijo: `Tengo entendido que eres biseksueel. Geen lo hagas público ”, dijo la actriz a una revista de circulation circadense.

Winslet against homophobia

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But even if the numbers are as detailed as these stars, live with miedo todo el tiempo: “I can think of at least four actors who absolutely observe his sexuality. It’s doloroso. Because they are the ones who will discover. Y eso es lo que dicen: ‘No quiero que me descubran´ ”, aggregate.

La ganadora del Oscar It is also important to note that Hollywood’s superstition regarding sexual diversity is a necessity like the #MeToo movement that supports gay actors, who actually have very little participation in the media.

Winslet last movie

Winslet included reprove the prejudices of the directors of cine, that hacen impossible that an actor or actress abiertamento homosexual ni siquiera sea considerad para heterosexuales papeles: ‘I will not create the extide that is. And can not be summarized in the question about gay actors who interpret gay papeles. Because actors, in some cases, choose not to pay for personal reasons. And there is no such thing as Nadie ”, señaló.

Kate Winslet

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