Jovic admits why he could not try to win at Real Madrid: what happened to Zidane? – Diez

Luka Jovic regress to Eintracht claimant Real Madrid in quality of cedido and newly vio la luz. The delusion, which was not taken into account by Zidane, he has three aunts in the Bundesliga and will ensure that he can not adapt to the conjunctive merengue or the city on the theme of idiom and lesions. No critic ‘n’ Zizou ‘en tampoco quiso hablar de su regreso en julio.

Hermana de Jovic sufre dura enfermedad y lo cambió todo

Vuelta al Eintracht de Franckfurt: ” I am very happy to have regressed. I am very fond of it and it is found on the playground. Marquees of goals lasting all the way through Real Madrid and now there are three of them. The city, the club and above all the team are there for me ”.

Real Madrid: ” Tuve mala suerte. Les lesions me mermaron y en el ambito privado tampoco me fue bien del todo. If you have any worries you can train this day and that together with the best players in the world. He had an experience of my mejor jugador ahora. If I have not been able to keep up the game terrain, I have many positive things about Madrid ”.

His adaptation in Spain: “Though you feel you have the time you can play. It’s easy in a team like Real Madrid, but the style is different and the pressure is always very high. here ”.

Jovic brand doublete y el Eintracht trolea al Real Madrid

His return to Madrid during the cession: ” Geen quiero mirar al futuro nie. Stay focused on the Eintracht and be able to be ready to go for it in 90 minutes. Geen tengo que demostrarle nada a nadie. If so, I’m a good judge and I’m sure to value it ”.

The idiom: ” No doy clases de español. Got to learn the idiom in Madrid, but now I’ve given more classes “.

Zidane: ” No one wants to go into details, both his coaches, Madrid and here, his phenomenal. Zidane is also very good on a personal level, but it makes me more comfortable communicating with Adi in English, as the dominoes do not feel like being able to talk to Zidane. This type of detail makes it easier for me ”.
